Chapter 8

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"Dylan is being stupid" I say while closing my door. "He is always like this." Beza says "True, but not this insane." I reply "Maybe because you are his little sister, and that is his best friend." Beza says with a good point. "True." I reply siting in a bean bag "I'm always right." *The sass Is real* Beza says snapping her fingers. "You are."I say laughing. "So about you and Grant?" I continued "What about us?" Beza questioned me "What's going on between you too" I answered "oh nothing, yet" Beza says "Yet?" I tease

"He is really sweet, funny and caring"Beza says as if she can go on forever. "Calm down girl, and stop drooling." I reply "I'm not drooling" Beza says "Might as well be" I say laughing *Knock knock* "No ya lying" Beza says as I get up to get the door. "Yes?" I ask opening the door. "Hey." Alyssa says "Hey whats up?"I ask letting her in and closing the door."Dylan wanted me to come up here." Alyssa says "What for? Not that I don't mind you up here, I love you to death and all, but why did Dylan send you?" I asked

Words Just Can't Describe... *Jacob Whitesides*Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя