Chapter 5

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》》》After Breakfast setting up for the party《《《

Grant and Beza are hanging orange and black streamers everywhere, Dylan and Alyssa where setting up tables, and Jacob and I were setting the food out in bowls, putting sodas in ice chests. "Dylan we forgot to get ice for the ice chests." I said to Dylan over the music. "Oh shit, do you and Jacob wanna go get some?" Dylan asks "We can't walk though, the ice will melt." I reply "Jacob can drive my car."Dylan replies. "Can I trust him driving?" I questioned. "YESS YOU CAN TRUST ME! I'M NOT 5!" Jacob screams playing with me. "Okay lets go Butthead." I reply throughing him Dylan's keys. *I don't know if Jacob can drive, but I am assing so because he is 17. But I'm not sure. Yeah I know Fake fan alert right?!? But really don't know if he can or not. So if you know let me know.*

"I thought you were gonna stop calling me that." Jacob whines. "Well you thought wrong" I giggled to him. "Uhh. Jerkface."Jacob says.  "Bish whet?" I said while making that face towards him. As we walked to Dylan's car. On the drive to the store I turned on the radio and started to blare it. Singing really loud and obnoxiously, just because that is who I am. Jacob kept looking over at me and turning back giggling. "Butthead, did you bring money? I only grabbed my phone." I stated. "Of course I did beautiful. " Jacob says. "What!?! have you seen this face." I say making a face at him, holding my hands under my chin. "Beauty comes from the inside, but in your case your beauty is inside and out." Jacobs. "Aww Jacooobbb." I say in a baby voice, pushing his shoulder as we walk down the aisles in the store.

"What was that for?" Jacob says. "You're being sweet.." I say "So I get pushed?!?! That is not fair." Jacob whines being cute. "Omg you don't get it do you?" I asked "get what?" Jacob questioned me. "Never mind." I say shaking my head "I am soo confused!" Jacob yells in the store. "Good, you need the confusion in your life." I reply "Why, just tell me." Jacob whines

Words Just Can't Describe... *Jacob Whitesides*Where stories live. Discover now