Operation Escape Detention

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When it came to school, Daigo was an ok person. He wasn't involved in drama, turned in his homework on time, and got decent grades.
He may sleep during class from time to time, but other than that he's well behaved.

At least that's what he thought before he came face to face with a yelling and angered teacher.
Daigo had fell asleep in class again, which happened a lot in algebra. His teacher at first gave him a warning for falling asleep for the 4th time that week, but let him go wash his face with cold water. But not even 10 minutes after, Daigo had fallen asleep again while the teacher explained integers. This time the sleep was followed with light snoring, making some of the kids around him giggle. Daigo then found himself jolted awake by a hand slamming on his desk.

"Kurogami. This is the 5th time this week. And even after I sent you to wake yourself up, you continue to sleep in my class? Do I need to tell the folks at home that you need proper rest? Detention after school! And don't you dare think about falling asleep in there while you finish up a packet of worksheets! Do you understand Kurogami?!"

"Y-yes Sir!"
This was just great. He was going to be late for his visit to the hospital. How was he going to tell Ryota, the boy that looks up to him and thinks that he's amazing, that he got detention for sleeping in class?

"Headed to practice Shu?" Daigo said as he passed a familiar red-eyed boy in the halls.

"Ah...no. Actually I'm spreading the news of practice being canceled."

"Canceled? How come?" The raven haired boy said, confused as to why Shu smirked a bit when he asked.

"Valt got in trouble for leaving his history book at home for the 3rd time in a row. So he has detention. No captain, no practice." The albino boy said with a shrug, knowing that he would just train on his own anyways. Daigo sighed.

"That makes two of us..." 

"Eh? You got detention too Kurogami?" Shu was now the one confused, not expecting Daigo to get into trouble.

"Heh, yeah. Fell asleep in class again. Well I better get going before I get an extra day for being late."
 With that, they said their goodbyes and parted ways. Daigo continued walking down the hall until he reached his destination, sliding open the door to the classroom. There he saw an old teacher who was fast asleep at the front desk, a couple of bored looking kids finishing up whatever work their teachers gave them, and finally Valt, who sat in the back by a window, looking out of it.

Daigo made his way there, sitting beside Valt and tapping his shoulder. Valt turned to face Daigo, and almost shouted a greeting, but Daigo made sure to cover the bluenettes mouth before he could yell.

"Sorry. So you're stuck here too?" Valt said with a lower voice. Daigo wouldn't call it whispering, but it was close enough.

"Yep. Fell asleep in algebra. Don't you have work to finish?" The boy said while taking out his own algebra work from his bag.

"Yeah, but I need my History book for it, which is at home."

"You can't leave until you finish." Daigo said, currently stuck on an integer problem. He shouldn't have fallen asleep while they were being explained.  

"I know, which is why I gotta sneak out of here." Valt looked back to the window.

"What? You wanna sneak out?" Daigo finally looked up from his math, intrigued. 

"I was thinking of going through the window, but we're on the second floor. There's no other way out though...."

Daigo was surprised by the fact that Valt actually thought of something. The raven haired boy closed his math packet and put it away, looking over Valt's shoulder to see the window. They could get down there. They just needed a plan.

"Alright, I'm in. We just need to have stuff to break our fall with, or climb down with..." Daigo looked around the classroom, not getting any ideas.

"We could stack tons and tons of books on top of each other! And then use brooms or mops to slide down low enough to the ground!" Valt said with pride. Daigo looked at him surprised.

"That....could actually work. You're finally using your brain Valt."

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Valt exclaimed, Daigo quickly shushing him. The other kids in the room glanced at them, and the sleeping teacher shifted at the desk, but remained asleep.

From there, Valt and Daigo collected 'tons and tons' of books from the bookshelf in the back of the classroom, easily earning glances from the other students in the room, especially once they started dropping them out the window. When the uneven but some how stable stack of books was almost tall enough for them to climb on, Daigo realized that they would have to return all of those books. And still finish their work. AND return that work as proof that they went to detention. Well, it was too late to stop now. Valt had placed the final book on the stack and turned to Daigo with a grin on his face.

Daigo grabbed one of those long brooms used for major messes and walked towards the window.
"I'll go first. To see if it's stable."

"Awww, I wanna go first...." Valt whined from behind Daigo, who sighed in response.

"No way. You're a klutz. At least if I go first I won't have to worry about there not being anyway down if you knock over the tower of books."

Before Valt could respond, Daigo had already sat on the windowsill, letting his legs dangle for a few seconds, before carefully setting his foot on the closest book. He had to lean down to reach it, there not being enough books to simply jump on it. Once he got a good footing, he took the brave step of getting out the window completely. The tower wobbled, making Daigo drop his broom back into the window and grab for the windowsill as it balanced out.

When he let go, he realized how scary this was. Its not like they were super high up, but still high enough for him to get injured if he fell. He wouldn't die, but he'd rather not break any bones. Now getting the broom he had discarded when he lost balance from the window, he looked up at Valt who gave him a thumbs up.

With an inhale, and exhale, he lowered the broom to the ground. After saying to himself over and over that he'll be fine, he jumped off the tower and grabbed the other end of the broom, slowly lowering himself to the ground. He was going to make it! But then a shadow hovered over the raven haired boy and the broom started to sway.

"Valt! Why didn't you wait?!" Daigo exclaimed at the blue haired boy over him.

"Sorry! It just looked so cool I couldn't be patient."

Daigo would have responded, but the broom leaned back, knocking into the tower of books and collapsed, the tower and the 2 boys falling along with it.

Daigo had landed in a pile of hard covered books, his back immediately pulsing in pain from the impact. It hurt. A lot. With a groan he sat up, only for a certain blue haired boy to fall right onto his lap, crushing him.

"Valt...I can't believe I listened to another one of your stupid ideas...I wish I just stayed in detention. Or even stayed in bed this morning."

"Eheh yeah sorry.."

When the boys looked up, they noticed the other kids in detention, the now awake teacher, and both the algebra and history teacher looking down at them from the window.

"AOI. KUROGAMI. THAT'S A WEEK OF DETENTION FOR THIS STUNT!" The history and algebra teachers yelled in sync. Daigo collapsed back onto the pile of books in defeat and Valt collapsed right on top of him. 

"Valt get offa me!"


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