Chapter 1

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(Bruno's P.O.V)

"Ok man, this sounds hella fantastic!" Mark said, smiling all wide. I smirked and started moving my shoulders to the beat.

For about 5 months now, my buddy Mark and I have been secretly making a song together. Uptown Funk is the name if you may ask. We've been working our assess off and even though I get a little frustrated from time-to-time, it's all worth it.

As I'm standing there moving my shoulders and bopping my head to the beat, I can't help but look over at Phil, who is doing weird hip thrusts to the song.

I busted out laughing and shook my head.

"What the hell are you doing man?!" I laughed, rubbing my eye. Mark stopped playing his guitar and turned around to Phil, his face all disturbed. That made me laugh even harder!

"The fuck are you doing?!" Mark tilted his head to the side, pushing his sunglasses up. Phil smirked and continued doing his hip thrusts dance.

"This song is so good my hips couldn't be anymore happy!" Phil said, still dancing. Mark and I busted out laughing! I mean, if anyone could make me laugh during stressful times, it's that jackass.

After Mark finally got himself together he went to the mini fridge and grabbed us three bottles of water. "Thanks man!" Phil said, taking the water.

He offered me some but I politely declined it. I wasn't thirsty.

"I'd figure you would need it after doing all those moves." Mark laughed. Phil smacked his teeth.

"Man you just jealous cause I'm young and I got a debit card!" Phil said, in a rachet girlie voice.

"Hey, that's my line!" I plucked my finger at him.

"I don't see it engraved in a rock, so therefore, I'm stealing it." He said, and I just rolled my eyes.

After Phil took a sip of his water he nuged the side of my arm. "Whaaattt?" I pouted.

"Aye Bruno, lemme use your hair pick for a second." He said, and I reached into my pocket and gave it to him. He took it and I couldn't help but laugh.

I nuged Mark's arm and he bent over so I could tell him something.  "Yo, this nigga pickin' his thoughts!" I whispered,  but as soon as I said it I busted out laughing.

Mark spit his water out and started laughing like crazy. Phil looked over at us, confused as ever. "What are y'all laughing at?!" He asked, and we still laughed.

"Stop! Stop! I can't take it!" Mark breathed, holding his stomach. I was now literally on the floor crying.

"Smh, y'all ain't shit." Phil spat, taking sips of his water.

After a good 2 minutes ran by, Mark and I composed ourselves. I still snickered, but not as hard.

Boy did I need that laugh. Since everything was running smoothly again I decided to go for a smoke.

It was a little hot outside so I left my jacket in my chair and just took one cigarette out, along with my lighter.  "Hey, where you goin' man?" Mark asked me, leaning back in his chair.

I put my sunglasses on. "I'm just going out for a smoke, I'll be back soon though." I shrugged. He nodded and continued doing some more work with Phil.

I'm really tryna' quit but it's just sooo hard. One of these days I will! Just not today though....

I finally made it outside and it was hot as hell out here! "Damn!" I said to myself, using my hand to block the sun. I decided to go round the back because it would probably have more shade.

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