Chapter 9

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(Faith's P.O.V)

*a few days later*

I stood backstage feeling nervous. Today was the day I was going to be on tv! Still can't believe Ellen wanted ME on her show. Turns out she heard about my attack on the news and wanted to know more about it.

I invited Tori to come along with me and thankfully she was available. Both of us were backstage in the lounging area just watching the show on the little tv screen on the wall.

"Tori what are you doing?" I whispered,  watching her eat the tray of goodies that was set out on the table,  followed by some bottles of water.

Tori turned around and she held her finger up because she was chewing. She swallowed and said, "Girl, this shit is good! You know they don't have stuff like this back in the hood."

I shook my head. "They have it out here for us to snack on. Other people need something too!" I told her, and she rolled her neck.

We heard singing come from the tv and looked at it. It was Prince Royce singing a song from his album.

"....Damnnnn." Tori and I breathed at the same time. She put her food down and wiped her hands. "Yes! Praise Jesus, that man is fine!" Tori bent down, throwing her hands up.

I busted out laughing at her stupidity. But I must agree with her, he sure is cute. We heard a knock on the door and a lady with blonde hair entered the room.

"Miss Lowens, you're on in five!" She told me, opening the door wider. That only made me more nervous! I turned around and hugged Tori tightly.

"Good luck girl!" She wished me, now pulling away from the hug. I thanked her, did our special handshake, and left the room. The lady, who's name I found out is Gina, took me to hair and makeup right quick to get touched up.

I didn't understand why, but ok. I had on a nice yellow dress that covered my knees and some white flats. Hopefully I looked nice enough for tv standards.

The makeup artist touched up my lips and eyes and I felt awkward. Like, I'm the only one who does my makeup and hair. My main job is working at a salon!

"Ok now, I would like to bring out a special guest. I was looking on the news the other day and saw this video of a woman being arrested for no reason. It caught my attention and the only thing I can say is, I wish I had mace. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Faith!" I heard Ellen say, and this guy dressed in all black pushed me out on the stage.

I walked out and smiled as the audience clapped. It looks so different in person!

I walked up to Ellen and she gave me a hug, then we sat down on her red crush velvet chairs.

"Well Faith, welcome to the show!" She held her hand out, gesturing towards the stage.

I crossed my legs and pulled my dress down. "Thank you, it's a privilege to be here." I thanked her.

"Now, have you seen the videos on YouTube about this?" She asked me.

"No.." I told her. It really wasn't a lie, I haven't.

"Just for our audience, and you, we're gonna play a clip of what happened. Watch this." She pointed to the screen.

I looked up at the screen and I could tell this was being recorded by phone. They had to bleep most of the video because I was cursing. Then it showed the cops pinning me to the ground and that's when it cut off.

The whole audience was silent.

"Watching this,  how does it make you feel? Like, what was going through your mind at that time?" Ellen asked me.

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