Chapter 7

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(Faith's P.O.V)

I can't believe I got arrested the other day! And you know what for? They said I was 'not listening and irrational'. Can you believe that bull!

And because of where I live and my financial issues, they took my kids away and put them in this orphanage! I can only visit them 2 hours a day within the visiting hours. And since I need my job to get money to support them, I don't have alot of time to be with them!

So I can only visit them on Saturday and Sunday. I feel like ripping my hair out...

I just pushed the thoughts aside and focused on the remaining time I had with them.

After visiting Dylan in the infant room, I had to visit Bryce now. When I walked into the room it was jam packed with parents and kids!

I scanned my eyes around the room and saw Bryce all the way in the corner, coloring something while some strange man was next to him.

I walked over towards them and as I got closer the man looked kinda familiar. He was asking Bryce for his name but Bryce was being shy.

"Bryce, be nice." I said, looking at him. The guy who was squatting on the ground turned around and looked up at me, practically losing his balance aa he did.

"Y-You! It's you!" He stammered, pointing at me.

I stepped back just a bit because I felt slightly uncomfortable.

He stood up and smiled, mostly in shock. His skin was a nice caramel color as his fedora covered his curls that were sticking out on the sides.

"I don't know if you remember me but...I'm the guy from the ally way. You were calling for help?" He said looking slightly confused. I thought for a second and then snapped my finger. It was the guy who saved my son!

"Oh yes! Wait...that was you?" I questioned.

"Yes! Are you and your child alright?" He asked. I shook my head from side to side and gave a faint smile. I didn't really wanna discuss that.

I heard him clear his throat. "Oh how rude of me! My name is Bruno by the way." He smiled, holding his hand out for a handshake.

".....Faith." I said, shaking his hand.

"And this is my son, Bryce." I pointed to my son. He looked over at Bryce and smiled, now shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet you young man." He said and Bryce shyly said, "Thank you."

"Your son is really nice." He smiled, his dimples poking out.

"Thank you..." I replied. It just came to my mind now that when he said his name, he was Bruno Mars.

Yeah, I know about him and everything. I don't hate him, I'm just treating him like a regular human being. That's what he is.

"So where is your other son?" He asked.

"I just visited him in the other room." I told him. He raised his eyebrow.

"Visited?" He shook his head.

"'s a long story." I said, not really wanting to get into it. Obviously he got the memo and left it alone.

It got awkward after that so I just tended to Bryce and Bruno walked back around to the other kids.

"Momma?" I heard Bryce mumble.

"Yes baby?" I gave him my full attention.

"I don't like it here....I wanna be with you!" He pouted, his words cutting me deep.

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