Chapter 2

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(Faith's P.O.V)

I woke up to someone touching my arm and I flinched. "It's ok! Im not gonna hurt you." The lady smiled, holding my arm.

My head and stomach was killing me!

I looked around the room and saw two chairs, a tv on the wall, and some other things. It looked like a hospital room. But then I quickly sat up, now making the lady flinch.

"Where's Dylan?! Where's my son?!" I freaked out, looking at the woman in scrubs. It just hit me that she was a nurse.

"Miss it's ok! Your son is doing just fine." She smiled.

"WHERE. IS. HE." I raised my voice, almost ready to beat her senseless.

"He's down in the nursery. We checked him out and he is doing just fine." She assured me, patting my shoulder. That made me take a sigh of relief.

"Is it possible that I can see him?" I asked, looking at her.

"Why of course! But first could I have your name, please? When you came in you had no ID on you so we've been calling you 'Patient 3' this entire time." She giggled.

"Oh. Well my name is Faith Renee Lowens." I said, scratching my arm. She went across the room and grabbed a clipboard that was on the desk. It was probably my information.

Once she was done writing she walked towards the door saying, "I'll be right back. I'm just going to get you a wheelchair and then take you down to the nursery."

I nodded my head and then she left. I knew I should've stayed home. Dylan wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me! Not to mention I gotta get back to Bryce. My poor baby...I'm a horrible mother.

I lifted my blanket up and saw the stiched up stab wounds. It hurt like hell!

"Ok I'm back!" I heard the nurse say all happy like. I looked up and she had a black wheelchair ready for me.

"Nice and steady." She said, helping me out of the bed. I made a few noises because of the pain but I eventually managed to get in the chair.

Once I finally sat down she took me out the room and wheeled me down to the elevators. I hated hospitals. The people always look at you like you're some weirdo! I kept my head down and stayed quiet the entire time. My hair was pretty big and long so it hid my face.

After the elevator ride, she made all kinds of twist and turns trying to get me to the nursery. I need to see my baby.

My eyes finally lit up when I saw all kinds of stuff dealing with babies! "Ok miss Lowens, I'm gonna go and get your son." She said, while wheeling me into some room and then leaving.

The room had a table, crayons, paper, toys-- just everything you would see in a kids room.

About 2 minutes passed and I heard his wonderful cry. I looked up and there he was, in her arms. He was wrapped into a blue blanket and had a little blue hat on.

She handed him to me and I was near tears. "Dylan, oh my goodness!" I smiled, kissing his forehead. He was still crying so I let his tiny hand wrap around my finger.

The nurse started laughing and actually almost cried herself! "You're so fortunate that man found you." She smiled, looking at Dylan.

I remember calling for help and somebody came, but I don't remember a face. I was mostly worried about Dylan!

"Oh..." I said, "well is he still here? I would like to thank him."

"He waited here a pretty long time but then he had to leave because of something important. He's a really nice guy though!" She smiled, now putting her hair into a ponytail.

"Aww that sucks. Well, atlest he saved my baby." I whispered to myself.

Dylan was quite now. He was just looking around the room, staring at everything. That made me laugh.

"Oh by the way, there's a phone on the wall over here if you needed to call a relative or something." She told me, pointing to the phone.

"Thanks!" I thanked her, smiling. She nodded and then left the room. I used my hand and wheeled myself over to the phone.

I quickly dialed the number and waited for an answer...


"Mrs. Ghen?!"

"Who is this?!"

"It's Faith, your neighbor..."

"You know I have half a mind to call Social Services on you. I got a knock on my door early this morning and guess who it was? Bryce. The poor child is telling me your gone and he's hungry! I had to take him in and feed him something."

"Mrs. Ghen, it's not my fault! I left last night to get some food for all of us but I got attacked. Me and Dylan! I would never abandon Bryce like that!"

"Jesus...please tell me that baby is alright..."

"He is, he is. I'll explain everything later, but could you please take care of Bryce for me?! I'm stuck in this hospital for who knows how long. "

"Fine. You guys be safe. Bryce will be just fine."

"Thank you SO much!"


She hung up the phone and I did too. The last thing I need is Social Services coming to my door and taking away my kids! I looked down at Dylan and sighed....I need to get better.

Hey guysss! Ok, it might be short. Sorry :(
But, the next chapter will be good! I promise!

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