Chapter 4

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(Bruno's P.O.V)

I tried staying at that hospital for as long as I could but we had to get back to the studio. And of course of all times when I'm off, she's not at the hospital. I think she left?

Oh well. I hope she and her baby are fine now...

Today was a leasure day for me. I didn't really have anything to do so I just stayed home and had some friends and family over.

My sisters were all in the backyard hanging around the pool, while the guys and I were hanging in my man cave. But there's just oneeeee problem....


That's Phil's girlfriend,  who might I say is annoying as fuck. "Dude, can you please turn off the sound on your phone?!" Jimmy said, shoving a pillow in his face.

Phil shrugged and said, "Sorry man! It's Vanessa again. She keeps calling me."

Eric and John blew. "Don't you ever get tired of her?" Phredley asked.

"I would. Bitch is conceited as fuck!" I said, and that made them laugh. Phil snickered. "Don't be hating on a nigga because I actually got a girl, ok?" He sassed.

I laughed and took a sip of my beer. "Dude, look at her! She's fine as hell and you tellin' me if she was yours you would leave her?!" Phil said, showing me a picture of her.

Eric snatched the phone and all of us looked at it.

"Damn she fine!"

"The bitch fake."

"Her boobs are tiny as hell."

"I want some twinkies right now."

"Bruno you got Netflix?"

I heard all of them comment. Eric handed Phil back his phone and they went back to what they were doing.

"Man forget y'all." Phil swatted his hand at us. That's when I heard a knock on the door. Kameron hopped up and went to it.

"Who shall want to enter thy man cave?" He asked, making all of us laugh.

"It's Presleyyyy." I heard my sister pout through the door.

"Presley can't you see we're having men time?!" I shouted back to her, but not in a cruel way.

"I have buffalo wings." She said, and Kameron was practically yanking my door open.

"Let her in!" Phredley chanted. Kameron opened the door and there stood Presley holding a plate FULL of buffalo wings!

All of us jumped up and ran to her, almost like an ambush. They all had their hands on the plate but I grabbed it.

"Back up! Back up! This my damn house so I get the first choice!" I yelled, holding the wings securely.

"That's some bull man." Eric said.

I raised my eyebrow and looked at all of them. "It came from my house, my grill, my sister, my money, my plate, and from downstairs.  So therefore, this entire thing is mine! Y'all lucky I'm sharing!" I said, and rolled my neck.

"Phillllll!" We heard her voice enter the room. I looked to the side and saw Vanessa in my man cave, staring at Phil.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that Vanessa came. Byeee." Presley waved, running out of the room.

All of us looked at Phil and Vanessa was all over him, kissing his cheek and what not. Phil was holding her waist and smiling.

"Hey baby, where you been?" He asked her, and she blushed.

"Just at home missing my baeeee." She pouted, pinching his cheek. All of the guys made grunts and gagging sounds.

"Hey Bruno, Vanessa came from your house, from your sister,  and from downstairs.  Don't you wanna keep that?" Phredley teased, wiggling his eyebrows.

"You can keep that shit." I said under ny breath and then coughed, but it was loud enough for them to hear. They all started laughing like crazy.

All of us sat down on the couch as I distributed out the wings. They were soooo good! Phil was sitting away from me a little and Vanessa was sitting on his lap.

"Bruno?" Vanessa cooed to me, batting her eyelashes. I was stuffing my face with those wings. "Hmm?" I mumbled, chewing.

"Can I have one?" She asked, sweetly. I looked at her with a smile and put my food down, now wiping my face off with the back of my hand.

"Sweetie....hell no." I smiled like a little kid, and resumed back to eating.

"OHHHH!!!" All the guys went. Her face was filled with disbelief. Even Phil had to laugh at that one!

She pouted and crossed her legs. Phil stopped eating and touched her. "Baby it's ok. We just like to play is all." Phil smiled.

I hope he knows I was serious about that. I share my wings with no one. Especially her!

She sighed and just went on her phone. "Oh my Godddd!  My instagram picture just got 526 likes!" She cheered, bouncing up and down.

Nobody cheered besides Phil. This is a man cave, she's not supposed to even be in here!

"Philly poo, come take this selfie with me." She said, fixing her hair. Like an idiot,  he did as she said.

She took about 4 with Phil and then thousands of her self. "Brunoooo. Come and take a picture with meeee!" She said, holding her hands out.

"You know what Vanessa?  That sounds lovely." I chirped, getting out my seat. I walked over to her and took hold of her hand, helping her off of Phil's lap.

"Omg, I have the perfect spot to take this selfie at!" I gasped.

"Where?!" She smiled.

I took her hand and walked to the door, opening it. "Right down there!" I pointed down the hallway.

She walked down the hallway and I stepped back in the room, closing the door and locking it.

"YESSS!!!" The guys cheered, and I high-fived them.

And that my how you get rid of a bitch.

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