Chapter 10

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(Phil's P.O.V)

After Bruno left the Ellen show he came over my house because lately we haven't been having bro time.

I was in the kitchen cooking up some burgers while his fat ass was sitting on my sofa eating sourcream and onion chips with his feet propped up. Lazy ass.

"You know,  you could help me in here!" I shouted out, getting the cheese from the fridge. I love cheddar cheese on my burgers,  especially with barbeque sauce!

"Nah, I'm good right where I am." I heard him say from the living room.

I rolled my eyes. "You know,  Vanessa wouldn't give me this much hassle as you're giving." I stated, flipping the burgers. I heard him laugh out loud.

"I thought you were on a 'diet' ." He sassed. I smirked and I heard him moving around in the living room.

A few seconds went by and he stepped in the kitchen,  scratching his belly.

"Eww, come on dude. I'm cooking in here!" I said, pushing the food away from him. He shooed his hand at me and burped.

"Stop being such a baby." He said, walking over to the fridge grabbing himself a beer.

"Aye, listen man. I was thinking about taking Vanessa to Disney World. Did you wanna come?" I asked him.

He gave me a weird look and shrugged.  "That's all the way in Florida man. I'm not sure. Besides,  I still gotta be with Mark to finish this song!" He said, using his hands as he talked.

I took one of the burgers out the pan and put some cheese on it. "I know Bruno.  But just think of this as a one day vacation!  And trust me, you need some fun." I pointed at him.

"Why can't you just go by yourselves?" He asked, taking a sip of his beer.

"Vanessa wanted you to come along. So I told her I would ask you." I simply said.

He looked at me with a straight face and said, "Hell no."

I smacked my teeth. "Oh come on man! Ok, yeah, she may be a little annoying but that's it." I said.

He folded his arms and shook his head. "No Phil.  You're my bro and everything, but you know I don't like that girl. She's like a fucking disease!" He spat, throwing his hand out.

I know he doesn't like Vanessa but he's being a bit rude. "Watch your fucking mouth. I don't care how much you dislike her, she's my girlfriend and you will show her some respect." I sternly said, looking him in the eye.

He blew.

"After all the things I did for you, you could atlest stop being a damn dick and go on this trip with me. Is that too much to ask?!" I said, handing him his burger.

"Fine. I'll go." He mumbled. Geez, he acts like it's gonna kill him.

"Good, we leave on Friday. Make sure you're ready." I said, smiling.  Hr rolled his eyes and I laughed.

"Speaking of Disney, I saw what you did for that girl on Ellen." I told him, looking for the barbeque sauce. I'm always losing it!

"Oh, Faith? Yeah, we've met before.  She's going through alot so I thought I'd help her out." He shrugged, taking a bite out of his burger.

I couldn't find the barbeque sauce so I just gave up and went with ketchup.

"It's always those damn baby mommas you gotta watch out for. They are the worst." I said, biting into my burger, which might I say is tasty as hell.

"I don't know.  She doesn't seem like a regular baby momma." He said, sipping on his beer.

"HA! Tell that to every guy who got played by a baby momma. You just don't know it because you haven't gotten a bitch pregnant yet." I laughed.

"The only girl I will be getting pregnant is my future wife. Who in fact, I don't even know yet. I'm looking out for the gold diggers. Always tryna get money from me, bruh!" He said, hitting his chest.

I laughed at what he had said. "Well you're screwed man. Women can be very sneaky." I shook my head.

" just don't know." He mumbled.

"That's why I'm glad I got a girl like Vanessa.  She's always by my side, supports me, cares about my health, isn't a hoe--"

My talking got interrupted by Bruno coughing. 

"You alright man?" I asked him. He nodded.

"Yeah, just a little throat tickle.  Continue on." He said, leaning against the table.

"Where was I? Oh yeah! She isn't a hoe, she loves me, and will always be by my side through thick and thin. I'm blessed by the Lord." I said, touching my heart.

Bruno just stood there with a blank expression on his face.

"What?" I asked, wanting to know what was wrong.

"Oh nothing." He said, shaking his head and now throwing away his garbage. For some reason I felt like he wasn't telling me something.

"Bruno, seriously what's up?" I asked him again.  He turned around to me.

"Nothing bro." He smiled.

"I'm not gon' ask yo ass again." I said. He sighed and rubbed his face.

"Ok look...", he said leaning against the wall, "there's no easy way to say this, but your girl is a hoe."

I shook my head and laughed.  "Hahaha! Nah bruh, if anything she's MY  hoe." I snickered.

"No dude, really.  She's a hoe. She tried to sleep with me!" He said. My laughing had stop.

"You slept with my girl?!" I yelled, confused and pissed.

"No, eww. She tried to sleep with me! She came to my house and--" I cut him off.

"Just save it, I don't wanna hear it! Try keeping your dick in your pants for once, instead of trying to steal my girl!!! You know what,  just get the fuck outta my house!" I yelled,  pointing to the door.

"Try keeping that slut under control!!!" He yelled, throwing his hand up and walking out of the kitchen. I was beyond pissed right now!

He walked into the living room and put his shoes on then grabbed his car keys, now walking out the door.

Son of a bitch! He's supposed to be my friend!

He can work on that damn song by himself,  I'm not doing it. I refuse.

Heyyyy!!! Long time no story, I know. I'm sorry. I had MAD writers block and some other issues, but that doesn't matter. I'm here now!!! Andd not to mention on the 26th I'll be turning 17 this month. WHOOP WHOOP! Birthday girl in the hiz-ouseee! Ok lemme stop XD. Sorry this was short, I'm working on it.  Hope you enjoyed it thoo.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2015 ⏰

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