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Food is love, food is life.

"H-Hey.. Um.. (L/N)?"

"What is it Mikoshiba?" you smiled at him. Mikoshiba turns his head away and blushes with embarrassment.

"D-Do you like anyone?" he asks. You looked at him confused. You turn your head away, with your face red as a fried octopus. Omg. Omg. Omg. Was he confessing to you?! You wanted to see if he was jealous if you said yes.


"It's not that I l-like you or anything!!" he yells. "Don't think of it the wrong way!"

That denial though. You turn to stone.

Well, what was there to expect. Of course, he didn't like you. In reality, though, he did. He just didn't want you to know. Yet anyway.

He looks nervous that you were convinced of what he said, he laughs it off. "So do you?"

"I do," you answered, nervously smiling with a reddish color on your cheeks. Suddenly it was lighting stuck behind him. The red head had suddenly looked angry and as he touches both of your shoulders, he looks at you sharply.

"Who is this guy? Is he nice? Does he go to our school? He isn't rude, right? How old is he? Does he like you? He doesn't have a girlfriend, right? He isn't some playboy right?" He continues to mutter out some questions. You turn pale when you thought he was you, dad, for a moment.

"I guess you could say he says things that are bit daring.." you said, laughing, thinking about all the things Mikoshiba says that he doesn't really mean to say. When you look at him, he looks at you, very scared. He was thinking of a player who might want to rape you.

"Dump him." He said with a fierce look on his face. you looked at the irony that it was him that you liked.

"Anyway, what about you Mikoshiba, do you like anyone?"

What were you saying? You do not want to know if he had someone he liked or not! You would get rejected. Meanwhile in Mikoshiba's mind.. Oi, oi. Isn't this the perfect time to confess? Wait a minute, (L/N) said she liked someone... Oh, screw it! I'll do it anyway! "I like.."

You flinched. He had someone he liked?! No way!! You felt like a mirror shattered into a million pieces.

"Y.." he slowly said. Was he going to say you? You look at him, waiting for the answer. The suspense was real. He blushes and instantly yells, "Yakisoba!"

Oh. You lost to food. You laugh, relieved that it wasn't a girl.

Red as a fried octopus.

Red [Mikoshiba Mikoto x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now