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Valentine's Day

"I hate Valentine's Day.." Mikoshiba comments. "What's so great about Valentine's Day!? It's just another day, where couples go around together. You see couples everywhere! There are couples everywhere! Even the cats are with another cat!"

The redhead sees the two cats walking and then it wasn't a moment later till he saw Kashima surrounded by girls. "Oh, Miko-"

"Mikoshiba-kun!?" the girls turn around to see a sparkle in their eyes, and it was marked on Mikoshiba. Mikoshiba looks shocked and started to turn the other way. He runs away, while the girls chase after him.

"Why me!? Valentine's Day is such a tiring day!" After Mikoshiba had finally gotten away, he went to his shoe locker and see tons of letters and chocolate waiting for him. Not only that, some girls confessed to Mikoshiba but he had politely declined. When he got back to the classroom, a bunch of chocolates was stuffed in his bags and his desk. "There is nothing great about getting chocolate! I'm going to be fat just by eating all of this!!" Mikoshiba sighs, "It's nothing special unless the person you like spending time with you.. I bet (L/N) has given it to the guy she likes."

It was the exact reason why he was being all moody. The frustrated boy just wanted chocolate from you but all the girls keep preventing that. He didn't think that he was going to see you which saddens him.

"Mikoshiba!" you said. '(L/N)!!'

Speak of the devil.

"What is it, (L/N)? Are you going to give me some chocolate as well? I don't need anything cause you are already melting." he said as he flips his red-colored hair. You looked at him flustered, your face red as much as the anxious redhead pleaded, "Please forget what I just said."

"How surprising." the female chuckle, still a bit red.

"What is?"

"I thought you were still be chased by those girls." you laugh.

"Eh?~ You saw me?" Mikoshiba said in a teasing voice. "Oh! (L/N). Were you able to give chocolates to anyone?"

'Eh? This is the perfect time to make him feel jealous...'

"Yeah, I gave some away." you blushed, looking flustered but when you saw Mikoshiba, the redhead had a sparkling aura, which made you felt a little bewildered but it was only because the red-head wanted some chocolate from you next. "Sorry Mikoshiba, I didn't make any for you."

"EHHHHHH!?" he yells.

"I didn't think I would see you today."

'Considering that he was being chased the whole day.'

"No, it's fine. I-It's not like I wanted chocolate anyway." Mikoshiba mumbles. You gave out a chuckle.

"Thanks, Mikoshiba."

'No wonder why Nozaki thinks Mikoshiba should be the heroine.'



"I-I.." 'Come on say it! Just three words.'

'Is (L/N) going to confess to me!?'

"I like you!" you blushed as arrows hit Mikoshiba's heart. Just when all this happen, a sudden breeze came and Nozaki-kun was just in time to take the picture.

Red like his and yours blushing face

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