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New Years

Just ask. That's all I have to do.

Mikoshiba slowly dials the phone. He could hear a click on the phone meaning that you had answered it.

"Hello?" you ask.



He listens to your voice, blushing that you sound so close to him.

"(L-L/N), d-d-d-d"

On the other side of the phone, you were looking confused.

"Do you want to go to the shrine with me?!" Mikoshiba blushed. It took him a long time to ask.

"Sorry," you answered, blankly. Mikoshiba drops on the ground, stoned. You heard a crash, feeling worried. "Mikoshiba!?"

"Sorry." Mikoshiba slowly gets up, rubbing his hand. "I trip."

You sweatdrop, imagining that. "You see, Sakura already ask me to go with her."

"Is that so..?" Mikoshiba said, sounding depressed. 'Damn you, Sakura!!' Mikoshiba is starting to cry anime tears.

"But.. if you're going to the shrine, I'll see you there then." Mikoshiba exploded thinking how right you were.

"Um. Not to sound like a pervert or anything but are you going to be wearing a yukata?!" He noticed that you didn't answer. The phone hung up. On the other side, you look at your phone, realizing it was dead. "She must think I'm a pervert right now.."

Later at the shrine...

'Sakura is late.'

"Ah! (L/N)!" Mikoshiba said. He was wearing a red-colored yukata. You flinch. He flinches as well when he sees you flinch.

'Oh no. She must think that I'm a pervert.'

You were just thinking how handsome Mikoshiba was, wearing the yukata.

"(L-L/N), you look really cute in that yukata." You turn around, blushing with embarrassment. Mikoshiba, however, was worried, thinking that the female was scared of Mikoshiba.

You turn around, still red. You blinked and look at him. You smiled, "Thank you Mikoshiba! You look cool as well."

Mikoshiba blushes, putting his arm over his face.

"Anyway, Mikoshiba. Since Sakura isn't here yet, do you want to go to the shrine together? I don't think she would mind if I go with you."

"Eh? (L/N), you don't think I'm a pervert?" You look at him confused.

"Why would I think that?" you ask. 'Thank God.'

Clap. Clap.

I wish to confess my feelings to (L/N), hoping it would reach her. Mikoshiba looks at you, smiling, hoping you wish the same.

What do you wish for?
Red like the color of his yukata

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