Days of ASOUE

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The idea of these is to answer one a day, but

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The idea of these is to answer one a day, but... I don't have time for that so let's answer them all at once!

1. Favorite character: Tied between Klaus and Duncan 😊

2. Favorite book: Austere Academy ❤

3. Favorite episode: Austere Academy part 2 (yeah the Quagmires get kidnapped, but THAT KLADORA ❤)

4. Favorite Baudelaire: Klaus 😏

5. Favorite guardian: Uncle Monty 😢

6. Favorite henchman: Fernald 😊

7. Favorite Olaf disguise: Oh god... um... I like all of them but... if I had to pick I'd say either Shirley or Coach Genghis.😁

8. Favorite library: probably Uncle Monty's, it looks the most cozy 😊

9. Favorite book cover: Hostile Hospital, damn thing is nightmare fuel I love it.😁

10. Favorite female character: Three way tie between Violet, Isadora, and Fiona. 😊

11. Favorite male character: still a tie between Klaus and Duncan 😊

12. Favorite V.F.D. member: Kit 😢

13. Favorite Quagmire: Duncan 😊

14. Least favorite character: Carmelita 😐 *pause* ...What? ...Ohhhh you thought I was gonna say Quigley? Hell no, Carmelita is WAY worse.

15. Least favorite book: Slippery Slope😐 (For more reasons than one)

16. Least favorite episode: Slippery Slope part 2 😐 (for exactly the reason you're thinking of. But one moment redeemed it a lot. 😂)

17. Favorite Snicket: fuck... um... I'll go with Kit to be safe. I honestly don't know if I could choose legitimately...😓

18. Favorite freak: Kevin! 😂

19. Favorite Esmé outfit: The nurse's uniform with the stilettos. And the Cruella De Vil fur coat they added in the show? Perfection!😁

20. Least favorite guardian: I'll go with Sir. He was an ass. 😐

21. Favorite costume/outfit: the Prufrock uniforms 😊 they're just really nice for some reason.

22. Favorite invention: Grappling hook I guess. 🤔 Never thought much about the question.

23. Favorite scene: Oh look another tie! Between the Kladora kiss and this scene:
Klaus: There's something written here, D.Q+V.B?
Violet: Duncan must have been here. 😶

24. Movie or show: SHOW. IS THIS EVEN A FUCKING QUESTION? I saw the movie in theaters as a kid I could still talk your ear off about why I hated it!

25. Favorite quote: "I don't think anything will go wrong, we'll see you Baudelaires before long." ❤

26. Favorite V.F.D. acronym or expansion: *shrug* Volunteers Fighting Disease. 😁 Cause their song is catchy as Hell.

27. Favorite song: "That's Not How The Story Goes." 😏

28. Favorite Barry Sonnenfeld cameo: Ike Anwhistle 😁

29. Favorite actor/actress: Sorry Malina but I have to go with Louis Hynes! He plays the role flawlessly, he's acting circles around his predecessor, Liam Aiken, he wears the glasses like he was born for it, and when he says a complicated word: he actually sounds like he knows what he's saying! 😄 This is the Klaus Baudelaire I deserved to see when I was a kid, and I am glad that so many people are getting introduced to the series through him. 😊

30. Favorite non-ASOUE Snicket book: All The Wrong Questions book 3, "Shouldn't You Be In School?" 😏


Hope this was fun for you. 😊

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