Chapter One

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"Hey Mavis come check this out." Johnny said to Mavis.

"What?" She asked, peeking out from behind the pillow.

"Just come look at this." He said as she got out of bed and over to him. He was looking at something on, and he was looking at a page about a summer camp called Camp Illusion.

"Is that a summer camp?" She asked.

"It used to be," He said, "but it was closed for a remodeling for a few years. But now it's reopened with a contest going on."

"That's...interesting." She said, "how much per person?"

"I think about $10." He said, clicking on the register.

"That seems cheap," She said, "are you sure this is a good idea?"

"It doesn't look sketchy, " He said, typing in the names of his family members, "besides it'll be fun going camping...and getting a chance to win $10,000!!"

"Wait WHAT?!" She said in surprise.

"Five families compete in challenges and the last ones standing wins!" They continued to register everybody in the family. "Looks like the limit is six people." He said.

"That's a bummer," She said, "How are we going to get everybody else with us?"

"I guess they'll just have to stay at home." Johnny finished and they went downstairs to break the news. Their friends had went home for the week to save money.

"I thought you were taking a nap." Drac asked as she walked by.

"I was until Johnny woke me up." She gathered them up and they followed her back up to her room.

"Mom what's going on?" Tiffany asked Ericka.

"Why do you think i know?" Ericka replied as Mavis shut the door. She could barely contain her excitement,

"We're going to a summer camp!"

"WHAT!?" They all yelled at her.

"It'll be good bonding time." She said, sitting next to her father and putting an arm around him.

"I guess she's right about one thing." Drac said.

"Your in?" She asked.

"You've already signed us up so why not?" He said.

"When do we leave?" Nicholas asked.

"Tomorrow." She said.

"What do we need to take?" Tiffany asked.

"Normal camping things, toothpaste, toothbrush, pillow, clothes, phones..."

"Is there even service there?" Ericka asked.

"I have no idea," Mavis said, "but you should get packing!" She shoved them out of her room and closed the door behind them.

"Why does she always do that?" Nicholas asked. They shrugged and they went to their rooms to pack.

This was short, i know. I just wanted to get something out there. It was a lot of talking as well. JUST A REMINDER I AM EDITING ALL OF MY STORIES TO CHANGE DIAVOLO TO NICHOLAS. THEY ARE THE SAME PERSON!!!

Camp Illusion (FanFic) (Third book in Epilogue Series)Where stories live. Discover now