Chapter Twenty

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Knock knock!

Tiffany blinked open her eyes and sat up. Knock Knock! Someone was knocking at the door. Tiffany looked at the clock and saw it was 6:05 in the morning, way before she needed to get up. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK!! The person started to knock more.

"ALRIGHT!" Tiffany said in an angry voice, but making sure she didn't wake up anybody else. She hopped out of bed and trudged to the door. She grabbed the handle and opened the door. There was Nicholas, about to knock on the door again and Zoey behind him, trying to flatten a few stray hairs.

"Oh! Tiffany! I didn't think you were awake." Nicholas said, putting his hand down.

"Your knocking woke me up," She sassed, suddenly getting an idea and a grin spreading across her face, "mom is going to be SO MAD!!"

"Wait! Tiffany!" Nicholas tried to stop her, but she had run to the back of the cabin, swung open her door and started to jump on the bed.

"MOM! WAKE UP! MOM! MOM! MOM!" Tiffany yelled loudly, laying down on top of Ericka. Ericka sighed and opened an eye,

"What. Do. You. WANT?!" Ericka demanded.

"Look!" Tiffany said.

"Then get off of me." Ericka groaned. Tiffany got off of her and started to wake up Drac,

"WAKE UP! WAKE UP! DAD! DAD! DAD!" She started to yell again. He didn't even twitch, he just started to snore. Nicholas grabbed Tiffany and lifted her off of the bed and put her next to the door.

"Alright, what is it-" Ericka had sat up and froze when she saw Nicholas standing in front of her with Zoey behind him.

"Hi." Nicholas said softly to her. Ericka didn't say anything, she just got out of bed and walked into Nicholas, hugging him.

"I thought they got you." Ericka choked out, placing her head onto his chest and trying to to burst out crying.

"But they didn't." Nicholas reassured, hugging her back.

"Why is she here?" Tiffany randomly asked, looking at Zoey.

"She took me out of the forest yesterday and brought me back today." Nicholas explained.

"You weren't kidnapped?" Ericka asked, lifting her head.

"What? No...No...Why did you think that?" Nicholas replied.

"Raven said some girl..oh I get it now," Ericka suddenly figured it out, "BUT WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME WHERE YOU WERE GOING?!"

"We didn't want to get caught." Nicholas said.

"But where did you go?" She asked again, he voice bubbling with anger.

"We were...out." Nicholas said in a mumbly voice.

"Where?" She questioned.

"At a motel." Nicholas answered.

"Doing what?"

"Sleeping." Nicholas said, getting uncomfortable with all of the questions.

"In ThE sAmE bEd?!" Ericka yelled. Zoey started to make gestures that they should leave, but he answered again,

"...Maybe.." He said. Zoey put a hand over her face in defeat.

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" Ericka continued to yell.

"Can you please stop yelling?" Drac asked, now awake. They didn't hear him and she continued to lecture Nicholas.

"I have the RIGHT to do WHATEVER I want!" Nicholas snapped back in Ericka's face, "and you want to know something?"

Camp Illusion (FanFic) (Third book in Epilogue Series)Where stories live. Discover now