Chapter Fourteen

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"Soooo...What were you and Nicholas doing last night that kept you from coming to bed?" Drac asked Ericka as they were walking out of the front door with the rest of the family.

"NOTHING!" She said, looking away and over at Nicholas.

"Yeah! Nothing." Nicholas agreed.

"But what? That's what I'm asking." Drac asked again.

"We were spying on the counselors." Nicholas blurted.

"OOOO!" Tiffany said in a high pitched voice, "someone's being a bad boy!!!!"

"I was with him," Ericka said, standing next to Nicholas, "I was my idea."

"Why were you spying on them?" Drac asked.

"There's something off about them," She said, "has anyone else noticed anything about them?"

"That they are disappearing and being replaced?" Mavis said, "I'm not blind."

"And the other campers are disappearing during the hunt in the woods.." Ericka said, putting two and two together, "Are the counselors taking the other campers and putting them out instead of themselves?"

"But the new counselors look nothing like the campers," Nicholas said, "that can't be the answer."

"But...What about Robin?" She said.

"He went missing without a trace," Johnny said, breaking the silence, "no one knows where he went." Ericka stopped walking and looked at the ground. They stopped and looked at her staring at the ground.

"We'll I'm going to find out." She said finally, turning around and walking stiffly off.

"Wait? Now?!" Drac exclaimed, running to catch up with her.

"This can't wait." She said in a cold voice, walking over to Dennis's and Rosie's cabin. She stomped up the steps and knocked on the door. She heard someone walking up to the door and Rosie answered it.

"Can I help you?" She asked in a tired voice.

"I'm doing an investigation on your son." Ericka said, pushing past Rosie and inspecting everything. Drac stood awkwardly at the door,

"Sorry about her." He apologized.

"I-It's ok," Rosie said, looking back at Ericka who was on her knees and poking the carpet, she turned back to Drac, "I'm happy someone is taking action."

"Hey Rosie?" Ericka asked, standing up and walking over to her.

"What is it?" Rosie replied.

"Did you see where he went before he disappeared?" Ericka questioned.

"No," Rosie said sadly, "I told Dennis to watch him, but he fell asleep and when I came out of the bathroom the front door was open and Robin was....gone."

"He went outside!" Ericka shrieked, running out of the door and scanning the front of the cabin. She looked all around it and when she got to the back, she saw a small pathway something made. She walked up to it and measured it. "He went into the woods." She said to herself, following the path into the forest.

"What's mom doing?" Tiffany asked as Drac walked down the porch steps.

"To be honest..I don't know." He replied, following her footsteps and walking into the woods.

"We're going to be late to breakfast." Nicholas said.

"Screw breakfast," Tiffany said, "I wanna be a detective!" She ran after Drac and followed his path into forest. Mavis, Johnny and Nicholas looked at each other and trailed behind the others.

Camp Illusion (FanFic) (Third book in Epilogue Series)Where stories live. Discover now