Chapter Eight

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Tiffany skipped along the path with Nicholas brooding up ahead and her parents chattering behind her. She looked up at the orange sky as the sun set in a fiery blaze. She passed by the archery range and saw Bullseye sitting on the bench, all alone. She looked back at her parents, who weren't paying any attention to her. She strayed from the path and walked over to Bullseye. "What's wrong?" She asked, sitting next to him.

"Oh," He said, startled by her voice, "It's...It's nothing."

"But you look sad," She said, turning her body to face him, "what's going on?"

"I don't want to talk about it." Bullseye said, looking away.

"Well-" Tiffany was cut off by a scream. She looked over in the direction of the noise and saw her brother getting chased by a goose and her mother trying to tackle the goose. Bullseye watched the scene, and didn't even smile. "Your acting weird." Tiffany observed.

"I KNOW," Bullseye said in a tight voice, "AND I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT." Tiffany looked at him with confused and gentle eyes,

"Alright fine," She said, "if you ever need someone to talk to...I'm here." She rested a hand on his and felt his strangely cold hands. He didn't say anything, he just nodded his head and looked at her with his empty, grey eyes.

"I don't want to do it." He said so softly, she didn't hear him, but she saw his lips move.

"What was that?" She asked.

"Just go." He said sharply, snatching his hand away and standing up. She quickly stood up and started to back up. And as she left, she thought she saw something green in his eyes. She went back to the path and the sun had dropped below the horizon. She saw a shape running at her in the coming darkness. It turned out to be her mother being worried sick about her just disappearing.

"WHAT have I told you about RUNNING OFF?!" Ericka almost yelled, getting down on one knee and hugging Tiffany.

"I just left to talk to Bullseye mom." Tiffany said, aggravated at her mother's anxiety.

"Don't scare me like that again." Ericka said warningly, standing up and walking directly behind her to make sure she wouldn't run off again. They caught up with the others and walked over to the small group of people waiting with the camp counselors, waiting on Pegasus to talk.

"Alright campers!" Pegasus said cheerfully, holding a flashlight underneath her chin trying to make herself more scary looking, "It's time to pick the contestants..." She started to name different people from different cabins, "For the Crusaders, Anthony. Gladiators: Susan. Survivors: Andy. Slayers: Rosie. Warriors: Tiffany." Tiffany hopped on her feet and walked up to the starting line. Anthony from the other team stood next to her and looked at her,

"Good luck." He said.

She scoffed, "Like I need it." Pegasus put the flashlight down and raised the revolver. She pulled the trigger and they ran off into the woods. As they took off, Tiffany looked back and saw Bullseye looking at her with his hollow eyes, not looking away. She shuddered and turned back. She looked around the forest, in every bush, and looking up every tree. She couldn't find anything. Then she saw something sparkle at the edge of her vision. She walked over to it and saw the puzzle piece sitting peacefully on a rock. She did a little laugh, "Like taking candy from a ba-" She stopped talking and reaching for the puzzle piece when something rustled in the bushes. "Hello?" She asked, turning around. The thing didn't move, but she felt its presence. She heard more rustling from behind her and quickly turned back around, "I HAVE FANGS AND I'M NOT AFRAID TO USE THEM!" She yelled, trying to sound tough, even though she was scared to death.

"I think you're afraid," A deep, gravely voice said, "and you should be." The moon's light suddenly changed and it cast a blood red glow over the forest. A growl sounded from the forest and a big shape started to run over to her through the shadowed forest. She wanted to freeze up, but forced herself to snatch the puzzle piece and book it. The shape was relentless and kept running after her. She didn't stop either, looking over she shoulder here and then to see if it was still chasing her. She looked back once, and saw it was gone. She smiled and looked forward. The shape had gotten in front of her and now she was running to it. She suddenly slammed her feet into the ground and her knees gave out. She fell to the ground as it lumbered over to her. She dropped the puzzle piece and curled up into a ball on the ground, sobbing,

"I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE!!!" The shape walked into the patch of moonlight that she was in and she saw it was a very large werewolf with scratches all up and down its arms, long sharp claws and saliva dripping out from between it's dagger teeth. And it being bathed in the red glow didn't make it look any less menacing. It stood over her body and lowered it's head down. She made eye contact with it and saw it's red eyes slowly shifting over to amber. She stopped crying and gradually uncurled. The werewolf stared at her, and she stared back. There was almost complete silence as they stared at each other. "H-Hi there." She stuttered, resisting the urge to run off and scream for help. The werewolf growled in response, but not a aggressive growl. Tiffany hesitantly lifted a hand and placed it on the werewolf's muzzle. It closed its eyes as she petted it. It suddenly backed up and stood up on it's back legs. She realized it wanted her to stand up. She stood up and grabbed the puzzle piece. It showed it's hand to her, wanting her to take it. She placed her hand in it's hand and it led her deeper into the forest. They walked for a while, and the red moon slowly shifted back to normal. Then she saw a flashlight get shined onto her, she blocked it with a hand.

"Hey kid!" A familiar voice said. Turns out the flashlight was Captain on his horse. He trotted up to her, "What are you doing back here? This place is off limits!"

"Oh! I'm sorry!" She exclaimed trying to come up with a excuse, "I...I...I got lost.." He looked down at her, then where the werewolf was. She looked where he was looking and saw the werewolf had vanished. She looked back at him,

"Well get on then," He said, his gaze shifting from her to his surroundings, "it's not safe around her." He helped her on and he took her back to the starting point.

"Captain? Why is she on your horse?" Pegasus asked.

"This little missy strayed into the restricted section." Captain explained in front of everyone.

"DON'T CALL ME LITTLE MISSY YOU LITTLE-" Tiffany started to retort but Drac took her off the horse, "Don't touch me." She snapped. He put her down and she stormed over to Pegasus. She slapped the puzzle piece in her hands.

"Quite a temper there, little girl." Captain said casually, making the other teams chuckle. Tiffany turned around and marched up to Captain,

"DO YOU WANNA GO BRO?!" She yelled, taking a fighting stance. She lunged at him, but Ericka held her back, "LET ME AT EM'!!" Tiffany screamed, throwing her fists widely in the air. Ericka held her until her tantrum passed,

"He's not worth it," Ericka whispered to Tiffany, giving Captain a death glare, "trust me." They walked back to the rest of their team and Pegasus collected the rest of the puzzle pieces. They headed back to their cabin and went inside. Mavis walked in first and stopped,

"Um, did anyone get a new schedule?" She asked.

"No." All of them said. The rest of them walked in and saw the non-ripped schedule sitting neatly on the couch. Mavis looked at it and it looked perfectly normal.

"One of the counselor probably stopped by and gave us a new one." Johnny said.

"That must be it." Mavis said. While they were talking Tiffany walked over to her bunk and flopped down, trying to calm her nerves. Her eyelids started to get heavy and she started to drift off. And right before she fell asleep, she saw a shadow on the far wall. It looked like a little boy. It looked at her for an instance, then it disappeared as she fell asleep.

Camp Illusion (FanFic) (Third book in Epilogue Series)Where stories live. Discover now