Chapter Seventeen

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They walked to the dining hall and saw Chestnut strolling about, unsupervised. They came up with a plan for someone to distract him, someone to throw a net over him and four people keeping watch. "Can I distract Chestnut?" Tiffany asked.

"Uhh...No," Ericka said, looking at Nicholas, "Nicholas, don't screw this up."

"Why do I always have to do everything?" Nicholas ask himself as he was sent off walking to Chestnut. Chestnut saw him and stopped walking,

"You lost?" He asked Nicholas, standing in front of him.

"..No.." Nicholas said, seeing Ericka creeping up behind Chestnut, "are you lost?"

"Nah, I know this place like the back of my hand," Chestnut replied, " what does the back of my hand look like?"

"I dunno." Nicholas said bordly. Then Ericka threw the net over Chestnut and pushed him to the ground. They heard Chestnut's muffled screams, but they slowly faded away as he realized they weren't going to hurt him. They grouped upped and headed to a more private part of the forest.

"You guys got any rope?" Ericka asked.

"You didn't ask us to bring rope." Johnny said.

"I have rope," Chestnut said through the net, "go to the counselors cabin, take a left, go all the way down the hallway and go into my room."

"Go get it." Ericka said to Drac.

"Why don't you send Nicholas?" Drac complained.

"Because he'll screw it up." She said plainfully.

"HEY!" Nicholas retorted.

"I speak the truth and you know it." She said to him.

"I guess." He grumbled, crossing his arms. She shooed Drac away and sent him to get the rope. He went around the outside of the counselor's cabin to avoid being seen. He picked a window near the very back of the cabin and hopped through it. It was dark in the room and Drac had to wait for his eyes to adjust. He looked around and saw that there was someone sleeping in the bed. He saw their chest rising and falling with every slow breath they took. He got closer and saw the person sleeping in the bed was Captain, but there was someone else sleeping with him. He got a tiny bit closer and stumbled backwards. Pegasus was laying beside him, resting a hand on his chest. Captain wasn't wearing a shirt, and Drac assumed that Pegasus wasn't either. he headed for the door and placed a hand on the door handle. Before he opened the door, he got an idea. He searched the dark room for a marker and found one sitting on the shelf. He uncapped it and got to work. He slipped out of the door and quietly shut it behind him, trying not to burst out laughing.

He found Chestnut's room, expecting to see the rope resting on a shelf, but was met with a wave of random objects flowing out of his room as he opened the door. Drac popped his head out of the mass of objects and made his way into the room. He searched through the sea of clutter and looked under the bed. The rope was sitting under the bed next to a dead rat. He grabbed the rope and stood up. He heard something squeak from somewhere in the room and looked around. He felt something step onto his foot and he headed for the window. Now Pegasus and Captain had woken up. They slapped on their clothes and marched out of the room. They saw the accumulation of junk in the hall and Pegasus sighed, "CHESTNUT! I TOLD YOU TO KEEP YOUR THINGS OUT OF THE HALLWAY!"

"Does he always do this?" Captain asked.

"Yes," Pegasus said, "and I swear it's like taking care of a toddler that doesn't have a brain."

"Aren't all toddlers like that?" Captain responded.

"Good point," She said, "now let's go get Chestnut to clean up this mess." They walked out of the counselors cabin and started to look for Chestnut. Meanwhile Drac was hiding on the backside of the cabin and started to make his way back to where the rest of the family was waiting.

Camp Illusion (FanFic) (Third book in Epilogue Series)Where stories live. Discover now