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It's my last day of school whoop whoop ^-^ Its Christmas in 2 weeks :)

There's 3 pov changes in this chapter soz guys


t  w  e  n  t  y

Relter Grey's pov

"So I've been thinking. What if we can kill off Katniss and the rest of her rebellion gang? We have complete control over what happens inside the arena so ANYTHING can happen to them." Looking around the table everyone looks confused. I've just proposed that we need to kill of Katniss' group, because I know that's what Erica wants. Do I though...?

"So how are we going to do that? We can't make it too obvious," someone questions.

"Why not? It's not like anyone will criticise us for doing so because everyone is brainwashed," I chuckle.

"True true. So what's your plan?" Erica asks.

"Quite simple really. We pick them all off one by one. Start with the kid Rory- they'll all be affected deeply especially Katniss and Gale. Then Gale, because he's probably one of the strongest and Katniss will be pretty much un functional without him.
After that Finnick and then Joanna, which will leave poor Katniss alone. Then we'll let the careers take care of her. I'm sure they'll take care of her well."

Everyone laughed at my last comment.

"I think it's brilliant, I can't wait." Erica gives me a wicked smile. She then slams her hand down on the table.

"What are you waiting for? Get back to work!" She yells and walks out of the room. Everyone scrambles back to their computers and continues to analyse the game.


Leon's pov (Relter's second in command)

I can't believe Relter would come up with something so twisted and evil, just to impress Erica. I know those kids rebelled against the Capitol and killed her brother but I actually think that they're smarter than everyone here. And correct about everything.

No one knows but I'm actually Hamitch's insider on all the plans that Relter and Erica propose. Currently I'm taking the lift up to Hamitch's level to tell him everything.

The fact that Relter is loyal and completely honest with me is astonishing. As soon as Erica announced that there was a new version of the hunger games, Hamitch called me up and asked if I could apply for a job in the controls room. Of course I agreed and ended up becoming second in command.

"Hey Hamitch, I've got some really bad news mate." He's lying on a couch with a bowl of chips in his hand and in the other a bottle of wine. Thank god he hasn't drunken any yet.

"Hey buddy what's up?" He pats the couch for me to sit down.

"Relter has made plans to kill Katniss and her whole crew."

Hamitch spits out chips and they spray all over me.

"Thanks for that," I mumble.

"Well I don't know why I'm so surprised, I really should of seen it coming," He grumbles.

"He's going to pick them off one by one in the second part of the games. First Rory then Gale, Finnick then Johanna. He said he's leaving Katniss for the careers."

"Very well played, very well indeed... I have an idea." He taps his chin and grabs a phone from in between the couch pillows.

"Who are you calling?"

Escape {Gale and Katniss fanfiction}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant