Chapter 6

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WARNING: This chapter is a little bit inappropriate. 

"So, the fans were pretty much surprised to find out that both of you are capable of playing such instruments."

Levi could only stare at the same man who interviewed them months ago. Apparently, Hange was nowhere to be found at the moment since she still had something far more important going on in her life.

Mike was the only one beside him, quiet as always and would only talk once in a while.

It was an awkward interview all in all.

The raven-haired man cleared his throat, "Zoe and I... we've known each other for more than five years now."

It was rather odd, really. Unlike before, there were suddenly a lot of words to say now that he's talking about her of all people.

"She's pretty much a musical prodigy..." He paused, a thought came in. "No... that woman is pretty much a genius on everything she does despite how shitty she maybe."

"Oh," This piqued the interviewer's interest as he dived in further for more details, "You both have known each other for a long time... Such close friends! Then that explains why both of you would attend a ball together, moreover the ball from the Queen in England, as partners?"

The man was blatantly suspecting of something that Levi couldn't quite figure out. Thankfully, the blond man was rather fast in his own gears.

"I was supposed to be there too." Mike intervened upon noticing the rising suspicion behind the interviewer's tone, "But my flight got canceled."

Levi internally thanked Mike for talking.

"Well then... let's proceed to these next questions. These are proposed by the fans by the way."

Both nodded in unison. Levi could already feel his heart rate pounding a little bit faster than usual seeing how nervous he is just by thinking about the upcoming questions.

Mike noticed how Levi became stiff as a rock thus he nudges him on his side to get his attention.

The raven-haired man glanced at him, slowly calming his fret.

The man before them cleared his throat, garnering both members of the No Name's attention, "Are all of you single?"

Smirking, the interviewer was pretty much enjoying the talk which is in contrast with Mike and Levi.

They knew that they shouldn't fuck up such a question.

As for Mike, there was indeed a lot of risk in revealing to the public that they surely are dating someone. No doubt about it, such a thing would blow up as a huge controversy for the fans.

Well, Mike was the only one contemplating such a thing inside his head.

Levi, on the other hand, laughed mockingly at this, "Of course we are. We don't have time for shit."

"Does the same thing applies with miss Zoe too?"

Levi frowned at the question. The man has been snotty for a while now, asking him questions about a person who's not even here.

Irritated, the raven-haired man answered rather grouchily, "Obviously."

The interviewer chuckled nervously at the rude response from Levi.

Noticing his friend's irritation coming up, Mike eventually talked, trying to get the attention. "Well, personally, I think dating someone is a lovely thing but my work wouldn't allow such leisure time for those kinds of things. Just like my fellow bandmates, aside from this band, we're really busy in our private lives."

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