Night 1

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"So what is this for again?"A familiar voice came out a bit echoed from a Freddy Fazbear mask."Hey!Use that carefully!"Jeremy snapped,yanking it from Mike.Mike rolled his eyes and muttered under his breath,"Yah,treat me like a 2 year old...I'm older than you."Mike sighed and sat in a nearby chair."I heard that!"Jeremy said reluctantly,checking the cameras.
Mike leaned back in his chair,bored."This place is boring.How can you stand it?"Jeremy looked at

Mike from the cameras."I need the money Mike.That's why."Jeremy was pretty moody tonight,having to put up with Mike the whole week.Jeremy then looked at his friend,who was now eating Oreos,making bits of crumbs here and there.

Jeremy sighed."What are you doing?!"Mike stopped eating and looked at him."What does it look like?I'm having a mid-night snack."Jeremy really didn't feel like putting up with Mike's foolishness.But,then again he couldn't blame him.He had lost his frontal lobe,causing him to be unaware of how it happened.The frontal lobe is usually what holds your emotions,memories,etc.Besides,Mike didn't ask for it.

Jeremy glanced at his older friend once more."Hey,Mike,"Having heard his name,Mike looked up."What?"He asked,seeming a bit tired."Make yourself useful and keep winding up the music box."Jeremy said pointing at the colorful box that held peace for both The Marionette and Jeremy.Mike went over to the box,shaking it,curious of what could be inside."Don't shake it!"Jeremy yelled,feeling as if he was supposed to be the father of Mike,bossing him around and keeping him straight.

Mike flashed an annoyed look at Jeremy,"Fine."Afterwards,he started to wind up the mysterious box."Can you um...what's the word....define what this box does?"Jeremy flashed his lights at the hallway and vents before speaking to his chattery buddy.

It keeps this puppet inside his box,the music calms him down so he won't attack you."Jeremy said,flashing the lights once again,except to have a Foxy coming his way."GOSH DANGIT!"Jeremy flashed his flashlight,having lost a huge portion of it by making him leave."Hey,Mike,what time is it?"

"Uh...5:58"Mike said,looking down at his watch.Jeremy smiled,"Good"Jeremy continued on and soon finished his shift."Alright,it's time to go."Mike got up,quickly following,"Finally."As they exited the pizzeria,Jeremy soon had a thought that hasn't occurred in his mind yet."Mike.""Yah?"Replied the security guard cautiously."Why did you come here in the first place?Don't you have a job?Won't you get fired for skipping work?"

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