Chapter three: Not suicide?

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Izuku was currently training to death in dagobah beach. He found some rusty gym equipments and decided to train there. Izuku was in his 3rd month of training so he got used to the movements and the ways to preform such acts.
I mean he was still suffering, there's no doubting that, but he was going through fine.

One day, while izuku was doing bench presses with 95 lbs, he heard a boy in the ocean. Izuku dropped down the weights and looked around. There he saw a little boy drowning. With no hesitation, izuku used his super speed and ran for the boy.

Weirdly enough, izukus speed also worked while swimming. He reached the boy easily and started swimming backwards. But while swimming, izuku forgot that he only warmed up to do bench presses. He did not however prepare himself to swim.

He got a cramp. It stopped him from swimming and izuku let the boy go. He naturally swimmed away as izuku started drowning himself. After a few minutes of struggling, izuku started going down. Only a few minutes later did he reach the bottom of the beach.

His lungs filled with water.

No oxygen in his brain.

His heart, stopped pumping.

And then, a familiar blue light appeared. Izukus eyes shot opened as he swam to the above. After a bit of calming down, he went back to the shoreline. He got a new quirk that allowed him to breath under water.

A basic quirk. When izuku reached the shoreline, he met the boy and his mother. The mother thanked him with izuku humbly saying your welcome. Before the big and his mother left, the small boy gave him a hug. That was so sweet izuku almost got diabetes.

Izuku wrapped up his training quickly and rushed back home. Izuku was so immersed in thoughts that he ran when at a red light.

Thankfully his devils sense and super speed worked up.

For the next 2 months, izuku worked out and trained for the worst. His body, pushed to the very limit. He would only stop after he felt like death was near.

He only did these type of training because of a trait that super speed gave. First it increased the speed of his entire body and not just his legs. Secondly, it gave him a healing factor that could heal torned muscle and make it stronger. And lastly it allowed him to percieved things slowly.

All of this combined meant his training efficiency was quadrupled. Since he could heal him self while in the midst of training.

Izuku would also try increasing the amount of quirk he had. Izuku suffered morally and physically since he felt the pain. And morally since it felt like suicide.

Izuku also did his hero work in the badside of the neighbor. He could be called a vigilante but nobody even knew how his costume looked like. Izuku mainly stopped robbery, assault and possible rapes. Izuku would flee the scene before anybody could see. Thankfully for his devils sense. Izuku made his name around as "The Green riding hood". Seems like some people caught him.

- Sorry it's short but this was my draft so.... I'll update this more frequently anyways. Anyhow, peace!

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