Chapter One: Puppy Eyes

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Em's apartment the first time she moved in. 



"puppy eyes"

A hopeless romantic.

That phrase sounds somehow beautiful but I don't want to be that person.

A hopeless romantic means, you are hopelessly romanticizing about love. I passed this stage of my life to the point I thought love is bullshit. I will never find the love of my life, I used to believe everyone has a soulmate, now I don't.

I said that to myself every evening after I finished my shift while procrastinating to cook myself a dinner until it's 11 and it's too late to cook. I usually just grab a plain sourdough and my chamomile tea, while watching Netflix all by myself in my small humble studio apartment that I haven't clean for a week now. I haven't take out the trash, I can find my hair on every inch of the apartment and I haven't take out my clothes out from the dryer.

I am a hopeless single 22 years old who can't even take care of herself.

"Em! Open the door! I bring pizza and donuts!" Harper's voice is too loud that it woke me up from my casual daydreaming.

I walked toward the door wearing my mismatch socks while holding my mug on one hand. Harper's arrival is always exciting because she always have something new about Maddie. She is the girl that Harper's ex cheated her with. That girl seduced Harper's ex until he broke up with her, and made out together in the office's bathroom. Not to mention it happened at the same time when Harper went to the bathroom and she run to my apartment and cried her eyes out for 3 days straight.

"I'm coming, woman!" I shout behind the door.

"Geez, can you not shout every time you come in here? I already have enough complaints from my neighbours."

Harper comes with two boxes of large pizza and 1 large box of Krispy Kreme looking as gorgeous as she can be with her natural thick eyelashes and her newly fresh bleached straight blond hair.

"Can you be the one to stop complaining? Why don't you help me out with these boxes? I couldn't find any parking spot near your apartment, so I have suffered enough to walk 15 minutes while carrying these food and these heels are killing me."

I can see some blisters on her foot because of those heels, the Louboutin heels that her ex got for her. She always complained about how those heels are killing her but she uses them almost every day, claiming that it's the only heels that makes her calves look sexy. Sometimes I just don't understand this girl.

I took one of the boxes from her hands and put the pizza on my coffee table. I know I will be getting an earful any minute now because my apartment is a mess and Harper is such a clean freak.

"Oh my goodness gracious Em.." Her eyes were so big while eying all the mess in the apartment.

See? I might be a psychic, I know what's coming.

"I know I know! I'm sorry! My motivation went out of the window and seems like I can't just get my shit together these days." I sigh while picking up my clothes from the floor.

"When is the last time you clean your place?"

"I don't know. Two weeks maybe?"

"Liar." She can see straight my bullshit.

"Three weeks?"

My lips turn to an apologetic smile. I know that she can't stand a messy place, it's just not her vibe.

As she always says, "a clean place will brings to a clear mind". Or whatever.

I for sure know that a clean apartment will have no affect on me, sooner or later I will turn it into a bloody mess yet again.

"And this is exactly why you are single" She sighs and helping me picking my clothes and throw it in the laundry pile.

"I know I might not be a clean freak but hey I know I can get one when I want one." I double wink her.

"Not until I spill that you can't take care of yourself, that you are a lazy ass and the most unorganised girl I've ever met"

"Ouch. That hurts Harper. You are mean." I scowl but displaying my powerful pout with a little bit of puppy eyes.

I pray to God so she will let me go this time.

"You seriously need to get your shit together Em. You will be 23 in 3 months.

And as far as I know, 23 is considered as a young adult not a kindergartener."

"Yes ma'am. I promise to get my shit together before I turn 23." I bow gracefully to her.

Please.. please let me go Harper. Just this time and I promise to always hide my clothes

under the sofa when you come over in the future.

"I feel like a mom scolding her kid." She sighs deeply.

"I know. I'm sorry mom." And displaying my skilled puppy eyes again.

She saw my puppy eyes but ignores me.

Ouch. Well, good to know that they are not working anymore.

She starts walking toward the sofa, taking a seat and take the pizza from the box that is on the coffee table.

"I'm tired. Let's sit down and eat some pizza now."

"That's the spirit I've been looking for. Pizza spirit!" 

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