Chapter Four: Never Say Never

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"never say never"

Alright, after a long wait, I finally finished chapter four! 

I have so many ideas in my head for this one. But somehow my brain decided to stop working for days lol. I pictured how all the scenes went through & I hope I can really translate all of that to words  🥺


"Why are you hiding under the table?!" Harper whispers but loudly, I heard her and my head finally registers that she's here. She was waiting for my reply but she must realised at where I'm staring despite giving her no reply because suddenly she finds Mason standing in front of her. And me. And me!!! I pray to you God Almighty please let him go without seeing me. Please and I promise to be a good girl please please please. 

"Harper! Wow, It's been a long time since I saw you. How are you?" I can't take my eyes off him. He looks.. good. As usual. I guess he shaved this morning? He has no stubble. His face looks clean and fresh. He looks happy. Of course he is, he must be living his life judging from all the videos I saw of him. 

"Oh h-hey Mason, I-I'm good, How are things going with you?" Harper stutters and drops her big gym bag on the floor. Ouch! What is exactly in this bag?! Is she trying to hide me? I feel like a heavy rock is above me now but I managed to shut up. 

"I think I'm doing fine, better now. Umm.. How's Emery? How is she?" I can't see his face anymore because of the big ass bag but I feel the curiosity in his voice. But curiosity? Is he genuine? Did he ask only because he wants to know how I'm hurting? What does he want exactly? 

"Umm.. She's.. She's fine." Harper please stop stuttering or else he might sense something is up! Just say I'm doing very good and happy with my new six-packs handsome boyfriend! Now is the time to brag about Chris Evans! My longtime crush and non-existence imaginary boyfriend! 

My legs. I'm having cramps on my legs! I've been doing the squats down here and being a couch potato and not doing a regular workout finally pay off. I squirm here and there a little bit trying to stretch my legs but suddenly.. 

"Why is the bag moving? Is that a dog under the table?" Shit. I'm doing my best not to move an inch but my legs are hurting!

"What?! No! You're not seeing things properly! There's nothing there!" Harper please don't panic! Just act normally! 

"Are you sure? I'm pretty sure I saw the bag moving.. See! It's moving again! I think there's a cat or a dog under it!" One thing I know about Mason is that he loves animals, he adopted a puppy a few years back but his allergy couldn't seem to cop with it. He was super sad about it, but decided to ask Cameron if he wants to take care of Max. That way he can still see Max even though Max doesn't live in Mason's house. Cameron ended up being the second daddy to Max. 

"Nooooo! There's nothing! See?! It's not moving!" There's nothing I can do anymore so I closed my eyes and pray. I pray to you for the second time God Almighty please I just want to have brunch with Harper peacefully please make him walk away from me!!! 

"Emery? Is that you?" The familiar voice finally calls me. 

I opened my eyes and do what I think the best to avoid him. I run. I run as fast as I could even though I feel bad about leaving Harper alone, but I'm positive she will understand. I thought I already run fast enough until someone grabs my wrist and the action causes me to spun around to face him. I can see his sweat dripping down from his forehead to his chin and I can no longer avoid the pair of green eyes. I always call them 'green as in forest green', because I can always see a little but of yellow and brown around them, reminding me of a forest. 

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