Chapter Three: Pigeon

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This chapter is the longest out of the three. So grab your snacks and read through! :)

The sun finds my eyes and decides to wake me up from my sleep. I totally forgot to shut the blinds again. I glance at the little clock on the small table beside my bed.

7.03 A.M.

I only got 4 hours of sleep. No wonder my head is spinning.

I cleaned almost every corner of my apartment last night. I washed all my laundry that had been piling for the last two weeks, I even put them in the dryer and waited until they are done. I took them out and fold all of them and put them in the right place. I washed all the dishes, not to mention I washed them by hand, so I have something to do to distract my mind off him.


I wish there is a delete button to erase all the memories of him. No matter how hard I tried, every single piece of him is still there. Ugh, why did I even bother to see the video. Why did I even bother to steal Harper's phone in the first place. It was stupid and I regret it.

Harper offered to sleepover last night, but I assured her that I am fine and it's better for her to go home because I know she has a morning class to teach. Saturday is usually the day where I do whatever I want because it's the only day where I can sleep peacefully without the alarm shouting at me. Now it's only 7 freaking AM, should I go back to sleep? My AC is at it lowest and it's so hard for me to get out of my cover, it's freezing in here.

Before I can make my decision, my phone starts to ring. I'm pretty sure it's Harper sending me some motivational morning quotes as she does every day.

Morning to my main bitch!! 😘😘😘

I drank two cups of coffee and now I feel like I can conquer everything!!

I bet my life you're still sleeping. You lazy ass!!

Wake up and we can have some brunch today!! ☀️☀️☕️

She sure is hype as hell after two cups of coffee. I replied to her, "Morning to you too, you hyperactive junky."

Not even two seconds later and she starts calling me. I hesitate for a while before I pick up, I don't know if i'm ready to listen to all her yelling and her outburst of energy, it's too early.

"Why are you up so early? This is the first time in like forever." Harper said casually. Phew. I'm glad she's not yelling.

"The sun decides that I need to wake up early today. But I think I want to go back to.."

Before I can even finish, here comes the shouting, "No! No! No! No! No! Nope. You are not going back to sleep. Get your ass up, and meet me after my class finishes."

"But my cover is hugging me so hard right now I can't even get up." Seriously, my cover is the only one who cares about me now, it's so cozy.

"Do you prefer me to come and wake you up with my annoying nasal voice shouting at you or do you prefer to come meet me at Hanes in an hour?"

"No thank you. Hanes it is. But coffee is on you." I sigh in defeat. I guess it's not bad to wake up early today. I can go out, breathe some fresh air, meet some dogs on the street, which is always the best part and eat some proper food. I realised all I have this week is only pizza, frozen meal and pizza and frozen meal and that's it.

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