Chapter Five: Waffle

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I stare at the luxurious adrenaline red interior of this car. Red leather seats, red door panels, red stitches all across the leather that uplift the whole high class feeling, red everything.

Thankful that the centre console seperate Finn's seat and my seat, kind of putting a distance between us. Still, the sudden appearance of him made me feeling confused as hell. When I told Harper to bring all her fuck boys around, I didn't expect Finn to be one of them.

"Is red your favourite colour?" I blurted out while we're at a red light.

His gaze still on the road, "Since I was a kid. I used to feel weird favouring red than blue like the rest of the boys, but my mom always encouraged me to be who I am, so red it is," He chuckles and turns to my side, "How about you?"

"I totally get it. Believe it or not, mine is blue. Can you imagine they mistaken me for a boy just because I had a short haircut and wear blue from head to toe?"


Nodding my head, "Yup. Was totally confused why my friends suddenly doing their pee-pee standing instead of sitting."

"Oh God."

The light turns green as he shifts through the automatic gear and presses on the gas. Damn, he's a skilled driver. I barely feel the motion when the car starts speeding up. Sure the car plays a huge role, but what if someone like me is driving? I would make everyone throw up.

"Yup. Welcome to the story of my life."

"Were you traumatised because of what you see during the pee-pee break?"

"What do you mean?"

"The source of the pee-pee?"

"Oh God No! Thanks God I didn't see any. As soon as the teacher realised I was in the wrong toilet, she screamed and covered my eyes for me. She kept saying sorry to the three year old me and clearly I still didn't understand back then. Oh God, if I see where the pee-pee was coming from my whole childhood would be ruined."

"Why not? Wouldn't be cute to see the little mini's?"

"Oh my God Finn, you perv!" I scrunch my face in disgust, blocking my brain on picturing the minis he's referring to and I make sure to give him a good slap on his arm.

With a big "O" on his face, he was surely taken aback by my good slap.

I shot him a glare, " And that's what you get for being a perv."

"I'm just joking! For a girl your size, I sure underestimate your power. Woah, it still stings." My powerful slap got him rubbing his arm back and forth now.

Valentine's Day by Lany starts playing on the deluxe Bose speakers, "Wait, a guy like you actually listen to Lany or is this just a random playlist you came over?"

"Paul, Charles, Jake, you name it."

Shocking! I can't believe this!

I turn my side to him aggressively, almost jumping from my seat, "What the hell?!"

"What? A pretty boy can't be a fan?" He's grinning like a happy kid now. Must be veneer, I thought to myself. That's why his teeth are perfect white.

"Well not judging but I always thought you always listen to the loud stuff. Like EDM. You look like someone who always go to a party. Well you used to back in uni."

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