Alien AU

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I've actually been wanting to write this for a long time but writing is haaaaard!
Anyways, I dunno if anyone still watches these movies. I do.
Also, I don't know who to use best for this AU but while writing it Ethan is my main character so there.

For the people who don't know these movies. GO WATCH THEM. They're awesome, the newer ones look great and the story stays fun.

Ethan Mark Nestor is specialized in alien study. He's asked along for a long mission deep into space. When the crew comes across a scrambled distress signal long before they reach their destination, the small group is sent to a seemingly empty ship.
Things escalate real quick once they get there. He loses communication with the crew, is left to fend for his own and comes eye to eye with a monster he's only heard about in myths.

Here's my idea written out, if any of you have the patience to read it:
After a crew gets 'infected' and have a xenomorph embryo planted inside them, an entire space station gets locked down. A distress signal is sent out, which the crew of the ship Ethan is on catches and descrambles.

The crew goes to the station, with Ethan as their alien specialist and Jack as the captain of the team. As the crew explores the station they're attacked by the xenomorph. Ethan gets separated from the group without knowing a way off or if any of his crewmates are still alive.

He does what he can to survive. Which means staying quiet as much as he can. Eventually, he comes across Mark. Mark is a survivor on the station and agrees to help Ethan. They strike a deal: if Mark helps Ethan get off the ship, he gets to come along.

While traveling to the communications division, they come across Jack. They make it to the communications division and connect to Ethan's ship. In a couple of hours, a ship will pick them up in a docking port. For that, they travel across the station. They reach the docking port. But when right then they're surprised by a xenomorph attacking them. In order to save Ethan and Jack, Mark sacrifices himself.

Jack and Ethan make it to their ship. They don't know one of the aliens traveled along with their ship. While celebrating their return, it slowly kills off the crew. Once they find out, Jack and Ethan lock themselves away from the creature in order to locate it and find a way to get rid of it.

They want to shoot the xenomorph out into space [just like in the first movie XD]. But then the doors get stuck when the decompression is supposed to start. Jack goes in to fix it and has no way of getting out without the alien escaping. He and the alien are blasted into space as Jack sacrifices himself.

Ethan is left all alone. He records a video where he explains everything [which is the start of the book I'm making. The entire storyline is basically him explaining].

What do you guys think of this? Please let me know if you're a fan of these movies too! And tell me if you have any more ideas!

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