Guardians of the Galaxy AU + incorrect quote 310

219 8 7

I need this in my life because this is beautiful and you can't tell me otherwise.

Chase is Star-Lord, aka Peter Quill. They're both cool (or at least they think they are) and have lots of tricks up their sleeves. When it comes to saving the universe they're hesitant but willing. And Chase would be a great pilot in my opinion.

Anti is Rocket Raccoon. Because yes. They're both sassy as hell and want to save themselves as much as possible and that makes them the perfect match. He also fights a lot with Chase.

JJ would be Groot. They both can't exactly talk. Not in the way others can, at least. Anti knows JJ's sign language the best, just like Rocket knows Groot's language. JJ's character can do way more damage than you'd think, just like with Groot.

Marvin is Gamora. They're both mysterious but absolutely amazing. And of course: they have awesome hair. Both have excellent fighting skills.

Jackieboy Man is Drax. They think with their fists most of the time. They're ready to jump in a fight at an instant, no matter the odds. They're strong and really brave.

[ now for the incorrect quote! ]

Chase: I have a plan

Anti: You've got a plan?

Chase: ... Yes

Anti: First of all, you're copying me from when I said I had a plan

Chase: I did not! People say that all the time, it's not that unique of a thing to say

Anti: Secondly, I don't even believe you have plan!

Chase: I have ... part of a plan!

Jackie: What percentage of a plan do you have?

Marvin: You don't get to ask questions after the nonsense you just pulled on Nowhere

Jackie: I just saved Chase

Chase: We just established that you destroying the ship that I'm on is not saving me

Jackie: When did we establish that?

Chase: Like three seconds ago!

Jackie: I wasn't listening, I was thinking of something else

Marvin: *sighs*

Anti: Marvin is right, you don't get an opinion! What percentage?

Chase: I don't know ... 12%

Anti: 12%? *laughs*

Chase: That's a fake laugh

Anti It's real!

Chase: Totally fake

Anti: This is most real, authentic, hysterical laugh of my entire life because that is not a plan.

Marvin: It's barely a concept

Chase: You're taking their side?!

JJ: *starts signing*

Anti: What do you mean it's better than 11%? What does have to do with anything?!

Chase: Thank you, JJ, thank you

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