Star Wars AU

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Why did it take me so long to make something Star Wars related? I don't know either. Also, I'm not giving specific characters to anyone, I'm just stating on which side they are and what'd they do.

Dark is a Sith lord. He has a simple red lightsaber and is very strong with the force. He likes to wear long capes but usually doesn't wear a mask. He strikes more fear into his enemies without his mask.

Anti is Dark's apprentice and also learning to become a Sith. He wields a double lightsaber (like Darth Maul) and also wears capes. He's dyed his hair dark green, which Dark doesn't like that much. Anti is much more chaotic and rash than his mentor.

Chase is a resistance pilot. And a damn good one too. He's a great fighter and even acts as a spy sometimes. He has a deep hate towards the First Order, since they took his kids. Now he does what he can to win the war and hopefully see his kids again.

Wilford is a bounty hunter. He likes to hunt down and capture whoever he needs to, for a great price of course. He's hired a lot by the First Order to hunt down the Resistance. Wilford is great at being a bounty hunter and has a lot of fun doing it.

Jackieboy Man is a Jedi. He lives to help others and all he wants is the universe to be peaceful. He's still learning everything there is to know about the force, but he's strong and won't give up.

Marvin is one of the leaders of the resistance. He knows the force well but chose not to be a Jedi. Now he trains Jackie to learn the ways of the force. Marvin is fearless and brave and he's determined to save the galaxy from the First Order.

Google is a reprogrammed droid like K-2SO, and just as sassy. He says everything that comes up in the circuits that are his mind. He may not be very happy to be in this war, but he's a great help in battle.

Just like Google, Bing is a droid. He's like BB-8: adorable, sometimes annoying but braver than you'd think. He is Chase's co-pilot and best friend and they're barely away from each other.

Henrik is a resistance doctor/surgeon. He can't use a blaster but he knows his way around with medical equipment like no other. Though he gladly helps his friends in the war, he's known for his whining about winning taking so long.

So, what do you guys think? Let me know what you think of this in the comments!

Also, do you guys miss some characters? I'd love to put the Host, Dr. Iplier, Bim Trimmer in these, as well as newer ones like Yancy or Illinois, but I just don't know them well enough. If you do want to see them in some AU's or incorrect quotes, let me know! I'll take a better look at their characters and try my best!

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