♡ // ᴅᴀᴛɪɴɢ ʜɪᴍ ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇs...

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+ being a really touchy couple

+ lots of jokes that dont have to be sexualised, but they are

+ he teaches you how to not give a single fuck whatsoever

+ he's very good at building your confidince

+ you are very patient

+ sometimes he laughs because of the things you're shy or insecure about

+ but he always makes up for it and you know he doesn't mean it even if it hurts at the time

+ you being the more clingy one

+ and submissive

+ what would you excpect huh

+ "y/n put your seatbelt on"

+ "ok,"

+ him always being the one to force you to open up because you won't budge a BIT

+ knowing every single bloodwitch song off by heart

+ skipping classes a lot

+ getting high together

+ sometimes getting drunk

+ good sex

+ wearing his clothes

+ "wheres my jumper,"

+ "i dont know,"

+ "oi! Give it back!"

+ "its mine now."

+ bingeing the marvel movies even though he thinks the comics are better

+ so does that mean wyatt exists too because wyatt is mini star lord???

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