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"Emily" Talia whispers once more annoying me. Why couldn't she just leave, there was no reason for her to stay the night. Better yet, I would have been fine sleeping the same room with my mother instead of in bed with my ex.

God if Alison finds out; I'm a dead man. I could literally picture the flames that are going to bolting out of her head if I tell her Talia and I not only slept in the same room. We were also sharing a bed.

"what?" My voice raspy from the sleep deprivation, as much as I wanted to go to sleep, I couldn't. At least not with her next to me, it's not like how it used to be.

The old me was comfortable around Talia, but now? I don't even feel comfortable showing skin around her.

"Are you sleeping?" She whispers causing my eyes to open and look at the ceiling. Feeling her gaze upon me made me avoid looking any direction towards her.

I sigh, knowing I'd have to engage in a conversation with her.

"If I was do you think I'd be responding to you?" I asked annoyingly.

"Can't sleep either?" She asks before sitting up in bed, causing me to roll my eyes and also sit up in bed.

Even if I did fall asleep, I wouldn't be comfortable knowing that I'm in the same room as her.

"Obviously, not" I spat crossing my arms looking out the window. I hear her sigh, before starting to talk...

"Look.... I know you probably hate me for what I.... what I'm trying to say is that I'm really sorry, okay? I know you may not believe it... but I am. And I really do miss us... miss you" she confesses softly.

I don't hate her. I could never hate her. Even if I told myself I did, she was someone I was with for almost seven years.

I finally turn facing her making eye contact with her, "I don't hate you, Ty. I hate what you tried to do, and I forgive you but I cannot forget it" I tell her honestly.

The truth was if it wasn't even for her not being around, and making me feel lonely, and everything I don't think I would have gotten close to Alison at all.

Maybe things would be different. But is it bad that I don't want them to be. I rather everything by the way they are right now?

"I know things between us have been really complicated, but I promise you... we'll work this out" she states as if there was anything left for us to work out.

"Talia..." she cuts me off, "I know you think because your distracted that Alison is what you need... but you don't need her, not like how you need me. It's only a matter of time before you see that" she says still fighting for us.

Me on the other hand? I was other us then moment I opened my legs for Alison. The moment as Alison told me I was hers, I was no longer Talia.

"What is it... that I have to say for you to understand I don't want things to go back to how they used to be. What is it that I have to do for you to know that there will never be an us again?" I asked her seriously.

She was about to say something when my phone began to ring. I turned to reach for my phone when the caller ID was Alison.

I sighed before pressing the mute button to silence the call.

Which probably isn't the best idea knowing how Alison is but she promised to give me three days just to think, and I deserve it.

I turn back to Talia know her eyes shift from the nightstand to my face.

A slight smirk appears on her face, "trouble in paradise?" She asks.

love on the brainHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin