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The smell of pancakes is enough to stir you from your slumber. Second to your senses is the sound of Frank Sinatra playing from the kitchen downstairs. A sleepy smile finds its way onto your face as you slip out of bed and down the stairs quietly. You pad your way into the kitchen where you find Brendon shirtless, singing along to Witchcraft, and cooking pancakes. The most beautiful thing possible to wake up to, surely.
Your smile grows as you walk up behind him, wrapping your arms around his torso and kiss his bare shoulder sweetly. He tenses up for only a beat, but quickly relaxes when he registers that it's you. Setting his spatula on the counter, he turns around in your arms and smiles down at you, hands cupping the sides of your face and kissing your lips softly.
"Good morning, most beautiful girl in the world" he says with a grin once you break the kiss.
"Hi my love" you reply, beaming back up at him. "What are you up to?"
"Well I was cooking a surprise breakfast for my pretty fiancé- oh shit!" He exclaims, and you release him from your grasp, hands in the air. He quickly turns back around to tend to the mini pancakes he was cooking, now all blackened on the bottom. He turns his attention back to you with a faux-annoyed expression on his face.
You can't help but giggle a little. "I'm sorry I distracted you baby, can I make us new ones?" You ask as sweetly as your voice can be, batting your eyes and showing a big smile
A smile now on his face as well, he gathers you in his arms and attacks your face with kisses. "You're so lucky you're cute" he says between kisses "or else I'd be very mad about those pancakes that I SLAVED AWAY AT for nearly ten whole minutes!"
"Well then, I'm so sorry I stole those ten minutes from you, I'll try to be extra cute for the next ten to make up for it." You say with a wink.
"Impossible, there's no way you could get any cuter than you are right now, hair all messy on top of your head and wearing my shirt." He argues, flicking the bun on your head then kissing your lips once more.
He's the one to break the kiss this time. You pout, wanting more kisses.
"Hey, how about we get dressed and just... go get some breakfast?" He asks. You nod and duck out of his grasp, racing toward the stairs yelling "last one to the bedroom pays for breakfast!"
"Oh that's it, you're on!" He yells back, chasing you up the stairs.
You slow down halfway up and let him catch up to you, and eventually pass you. He does a running dive from the doorway into the bed, raising his arms in the air in triumph.
"I love it when you let me win." He says.
"I know you do, baby. Now come on, let's go get breakfast"

The Brendon Urie Collection: Brendon Urie x Reader (mostly)Where stories live. Discover now