Sunshine (part 3)

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Addy sat in her car outside of the bar she and Brendon had agreed on meeting at, 30 minutes early, as per usual. She wrung her hands repeatedly out of anticipation and nerves. She could not for the life of her understand why this random boy she just met on the street was already affecting her like this, but she couldn't honestly say she minded much.
Around 15 minutes had gone by when a car pulled in right next to Addy's, and she squinted to see if it was Brendon. Unfortunately for her, it was not. However, the man walking up on the other side of the car and tapping on her window, scaring the absolute shit out of her in the process, was.
She gasped and threw a hand to her chest before sighing deeply in relief that it was Brendon. She scrambled out of the car and locked the doors, Brendon still laughing on the other side.
He managed to curb his laughter long enough to apologize for scaring her like that.
Addy stuck her bottom lip out in a fake pout.
"That was mean."
Brendon's laughter had subsided now, left only to a wide grin.
"Aww, I'm sorry darlin', are you alright?" He asked, smile fading now, beginning to get worried she was genuinely upset.
Her pout turned to a smile as she told him his apology was accepted.
"Good. You look beautiful tonight by the way." He told her, and she quietly thanked him. A few seconds of silence passed before Addy cleared her throat to speak.
"So, are we ready to head inside?" She asked. Brendon nodded readily and took her hand, leading the way into the crowded bar.
The two sat on some empty barstools next to each other by a window, scoping the scene out before Brendon offered to go grab drinks.
"If you don't mind, I'll just have a glass of wine." She said, reaching into her purse. Brendon, with lightning fast reflexes, reached a hand out to stop her. 
"Absolutely not, I almost knocked you to the ground earlier, I owe you. Now, red, white or rosé?"
Addy rolled her eyes and reminded him that she said it was fine. "But if you absolutely must, red please."
He smiled at this win, and at her choice in wine.
"I absolutely must. One glass coming right up, sit tight." he said before disappearing into the crowd, and out of Addy's view.
She shuffled in her seat uncomfortably as she placed a hand on Brendon's stool, ensuring it didn't get taken in his absence. A minute or so passes when she hears yelling from the other side of the room, a bar fight.
Her heart stops, hoping with everything in her that Brendon wasn't involved and that he was okay.
She sat taller to try and see what was going on, but was unsuccessful, and she wasn't ready to jump into the crowd of strangers.
She didn't have to wait long before she saw a familiar head of hair walking toward her, a glass of wine and a beer bottle in his hands.
"Oh thank god you're okay!" Addy says, relief flooding through her.
Brendon smirked at her concern and handed her the glass.
"'Course I am, I might be an asshole but I don't start bar fights like those tools." He said, gesturing to the two men being escorted out by the bouncer.
"You aren't an asshole!" Addy defended quickly, and Brendon shook his head and laughed.
"I am, I definitely am, but I'd never show that side to you."
"I don't believe that for a second. You might be rough around the edges maybe, but you have a heart of gold. I've only known you a few hours and I can already see it." Addy assured him. He shrugged and debated wether or not to tell her his tragic backstory, opting to abreviate it.
"I just... I've been hurt in the past and it turned me into kind of a dick, that's all." He said, rubbing a hand awkwardly on the back of his neck.
Addy frowned at his admission, but didn't exactly know how to comfort the man she'd only met that morning.
"I'm sorry. I know how you feel. I was with a guy and he treated me so poorly, and when we finally ended things there was a period of time where I just... I completely shut myself off from the world, I hid myself away in my room instead of going out, I only went out to go to work and back, it was awful. But I went to a therapist for a while and got back on the right track and slowly, as time went on, the sun came out again." She explained.
Brendon's heart absolutely broke hearing that this girl, who was the most optimistic and wonderful person he'd ever met, ever once had to feel that way.
"Thank you. For sharing that with me, and for saying that." He said sincerely. She nodded with a soft smile, and quickly changed the subject, feeling herself getting emotional.
"This wine is really good! How's your beer?" She asked.
"Oh! it's uh, it's good. It's getting kind of stuffy in here though, you wanna finish up and we can go take a walk or something?" He suggested, and Addy seemed more than relieved as she nodded.
They both made quick work of their beverages, and headed back outside as soon as they were finished.
They walked to a nearby bench and sat down, and talked about life. Their families, childhoods, anything that came up, until it was nearly midnight.
"Well, it's getting late, I suppose I should let Cinderella get back to her carriage before the clock strikes 12" Brendon chuckled. Addy shrugged and stood up, followed shortly by Brendon.
He held his hand out for her to take, and he lead her back to their cars. They reached them quickly, and Brendon leaned in to give the girl a hug.
He pulled back and they stood so closely, that Addy felt he'd be able to hear her heartbeat.
"I really want to kiss you" he told her quietly.
"Please do" she whispered.
He wasted no time in fulfilling her request, and his own selfish desire.
As soon as their lips connected, Addy's whole body tingled with excitement. Her heart was pounding as her eyes fluttered shut and she melted into the kiss, a soft sigh escaping as she did.
Brendons lips curved up into a small smile as they kissed, gently bringing a hand to her jawline and lightly stroking it, leaving his other hand on the small of her back.
She broke away from the kiss for air and opened her eyes slowly, looking up into Brendon's golden brown ones and smiled dreamily.
"You're so beautiful." He tells her quietly, brushing some hair from her face.
Addy blushed profusely and looked down at her shoes, only giving him a shy giggle.
"Hey," he says softly, making her bring her attention back up to him.
"I mean that, Adelaide." He tells her sincerely. "You're just... wow"
"And you're very sweet" she says, tapping him on the nose. He scrunches it up at this and she laughed, the prettiest laugh Brendon had ever heard in his life, he thinks. He couldn't help but smile, one bigger than he'd remembered smiling in a very long time.
He didn't very much enjoy that Adelaide didn't seem to believe him, regarding her looks, but he decided to let it go for now.
"You know, you don't have to call me Adelaide. You can just call me Addy... If it's easier" she tells him softly.
He grins and shakes his head.
"I like Adelaide. It's pretty. Pretty name for a pretty girl."
She giggled and shrugged, thinking of how much she liked the sound of her full name coming from his lips.
"I really don't want to leave now, I just want to keep kissing you." She said longingly. Brendon smiled softly and kissed her forehead.
"Go home and get some rest, pretty girl. Let me know when you're home safe and I'll call you tomorrow, okay?"
She nodded and stepped aside as Brendon opened her door.
She sat down in the seat and looked up at him, waving after he closed the door. He waved back before getting in his own car, and pulling away.
Neither one of them could wipe the smiles off their faces as they drove home, and they both couldn't wait to hear from the other.

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