Pinky promise

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Full disclosure: I started writing this as a JOKE with a friend, when she challenged me to make it **actually good** so I decided to make the trope-iest thing I could possibly conjure up and this is what came of it. Yes, it's very traditionally fanfic-y, yes it's borderline cringe, but I tried to make it as decent as possible.

"Who's even throwing this party?" Your boyfriend, Alex, asks you as you're both getting ready one evening.
"Ugh. That guy Brendon I've talked about. But we're not going to see him, we're going because some of his and my mutual friends are in town, and I want you to meet them." You tell Alex as you finish styling the last pieces of hair.
"Brendon, the one you used to be close with, right?" He asks nonchalantly, but you can tell he's more than just curious.
"The very same. We were friends for most of our lives until he got a girlfriend senior year and totally ditched me and made me feel like a loser." You mutter the last part of your sentence, the memory still leaving a sting in your chest. Not only was he your best friend, but you always felt like your relationship had the potential for something more. You really had loved Brendon, he was such a beautiful person inside and out, it nearly broke you when he started treating you differently and abandoning you in favor of seemingly anyone else. You never understood it, and each time you saw him again it was like the wound was being reopened.
"Damn, and you're still mad? It's been like six years, Y/N." Alex scoffs, shaking you from your thoughts as he leads you out the door to the car.
"I'm not mad, I just... it was pretty shitty of him and he never apologized even though he's seen me many times, and my number never changed, so I guess I never got closure. That's all." You huff, buckling your seatbelt. He shrugs and takes the driver's seat, putting the car in gear and heading off toward the house of none other than Brendon Urie.
"You didn't have to come, you know. I know it hurts you to see him." your friend Noelle says as you after you've said hi to everyone and introduced your boyfriend to them all. He'd gone off to find drinks as you stayed back to chat with everyone you hadn't seen in a while.
"I know, I know, I just felt like I should come since a lot of them aren't in town much anymore." You explain to Noelle. She nods and shrugs, telling you they'd all understand given your history. You wave her off just as Alex returns with two red solo cups filled with what appeared to be punch of some kind. You take a few sips and grimace at the strength, but get used to it after a while.
Soon enough, you're all pretty drunk, and your closer friends are all talking in a small circle in Brendon's living room. Alex had gone off to find a bathroom, leaving you helpless as Brendon joins you all and decides to stand RIGHT next to you. You take a small step to the other side and cross an arm over your body, your anxiety was already beginning to bubble up at the close proximity. The hand holding your drink shook ever so slightly.
Brendon looks over at you, an almost worried look flashing over his features.
"Are you good?" He asks you quietly.
"Fine." You say back quickly, refusing to look at him any more.
Brendon sighs in annoyance and takes a sip of his beer, and apparently your friends had noticed.
"You guys should really just fuck so this weird tension can finally go away." Someone says from within the circle, everyone giggles in only partial agreement.
You roll your eyes and remind everyone that you, in fact, have a boyfriend.
"Hey actually where DID Alex go, he said he was going to find a bathroom like 20 minutes ago" you wonder aloud, deciding to go exploring and look for him.
You find each of the 3 bathrooms Brendon had directed you to before you walked off, and come to the conclusion that Alex wasn't in any of them. You wander down the hall, where the dim light from a bedroom illuminated just enough to see a couple making out at the end. You squint and walk closer, and as you do, the shape of the guy starts to become more and more familiar.
"What the fuck" you whisper, tears already forming in your eyes, you turn back around quickly and run by a few people, you were too focused on getting outside to care about their whispers.
You finally find the front door again, collapsing on the stairs as you finally let yourself cry.
You sit alone for a few minutes, tears streaming down your face, effectively ruining the makeup you'd spent so much time doing just a few hours prior, until you feel a hand touch your back gently.
You jump at the contact and look up to see Brendon sitting beside you.
"I know you probably don't want to see me right now, I get it, but I saw you run from down the hall, so I peeked. I'm sorry, Y/N. And I'm sorry for what I did, I never should have done what I did to you. I was a fucking asshole and I've regretted it every day since then. I never should have let some girl get in the way of our friendship, I'm so sorry." He says sincerely, his hand still on your back.
You want to fight with him, you want to hate him, you certainly don't want to accept his apology, everything in you is screaming, telling you to get up and walk away, but you don't.
You throw your arms around his torso and cry into his shoulder as he strokes his hand up and down your back.
"Shhh, it's ok. You're ok. You're so much better off without him, I promise you. He wasn't anything special anyway, not special enough to be with you." He tells you softly.
You stay like this for a few minutes, feeling oddly calm in his embrace. The alcohol in your system probably contributed to the warm calmness you felt now. In that moment, it was as if a match had been struck deep within you, and all the feelings you'd felt about Brendon came right back. You liked that feeling. It felt a whole lot better than angry.
"I know he was your ride home and you've been drinking so, if you want, you can stay here" Brendon says after a little while.
"That'd be really nice, thank you B."
" 'course. I really don't want you taking an uber this late, especially since you're not exactly sober, none of these idiots should be driving, and I'm definitely not letting them drive you." He says seriously, his big brown eyes staring into yours. You nod in agreement, and yawn as if on cue.
"I'll get everyone out that isn't sleeping here so you can get some sleep, alright?" He says, and doesn't really give you an option before standing, taking your hand so you can follow. It doesn't take him long to get everyone out that wasn't going to be crashing there, and you're grateful for that.
"I already promised my spare bedrooms to a few people earlier, and I won't let you sleep on the couch, so you can take my bed." He tells you as you walk with him to his room. It's decorated simply, definitely looked like the bedroom of a single 20something year old guy, but it still looked nice.
"Why are you being so nice all of the sudden... you've acted like you hated me for so long." You ask him quietly, slurring your words just a little from both the alcohol, and because you were so tired.
He chuckles as he helps you out of the jacket you were wearing, and bending down to help you out of your shoes.
"Because I was an idiot, and I was afraid." He says. You look down at him, your expression silently asking him to elaborate.
"I was scared you'd hate me or not even care if I apologized so I just kept shutting you out and I- I'm sorry." He explains as he stands back up, your shoes in hand. He looks into your eyes and sees the tears starting to form there.
"Ohh please don't cry sweetheart, I didn't mean to make you sad, come here" he coos, pulling you in for a hug and placing a hand on the back of your head.
"It's not that I'm sad, I'm just relieved to have you back. I didn't know what I did for so long, it took me so long to realize-" You cut yourself off with another yawn.
Brendon pulls back to look at you, and wipes away some tears that had fallen.
"Alright, let's get you to bed, Y/N. C'mon. I'll get you some clothes to borrow to sleep in." He says softly, sitting you on the edge of the bed as he rifles through his drawers, returning to you with a shirt and...
"Are these Panic shorts?" You ask, holding up the red athletic style shorts he handed you, turning them around to see "Are you nasty?" printed across the butt.
"Yeah I uhhh, I had to wear them for a picture once, figured they'd fit you better than anything else I have here." He explains bashfully. You giggle at the mental image of him wearing the shorts.
"If you want, you can change in my bathroom, oh and there's some makeup wipes in the top drawer if you need them, I think. I'm gonna go make sure everyone is settled, I'll be right back." He points you to the bathroom and slips out of the room, leaving you alone to collect your thoughts.
You find the wipes and make quick work of taking your makeup off, and throw your clothes haphazardly on the floor and put the shirt and shorts on that Brendon had given you as you try to assess the last few hours, how quickly everything had changed. Your mind wandered to Brendon, how he had taken care of you, and how attractive he looked while doing so. You wondered if after all this time, you could finally get back on track with him. You hoped he could start to see you how you saw him, the possibility of being more than friends.
You don't realize how long you'd been thinking until Brendon knocks on the door, asking if you're okay. You open it quickly, telling him you're good.
"Aw you look cute in my clothes" he says with a grin, and walks with you to the bed. He pulls the blankets aside so you can crawl in, and tucks you in after.
"Ok, I'll be just down the hall on the couch if you need anything, just yell for me." He says with a soft look in his eyes, just before he turns to leave.
"Wait, Brendon?" You call after him. He stops and turns back around.
"Will you sleep in here with me? I don't want to sleep alone." You ask quietly.
"Of course." He says sweetly, walking to the other side of the bed. He takes his pants and shirt off quickly, and throws on a pair of pajama bottoms before climbing in next to you.
His presence warms you, and his bed is so comfortable, you're quickly lulled to sleep. You hardly hear it when he whispers goodnight.
You wake up the next morning wrapped in Brendon's arms, yours wrapped just as tight around him, and you can't exactly say you're mad about it. You burrow in a little closer, still half asleep and wanting more cuddles.
You don't realize that he was already awake, just holding you and smiling slightly when he feels you snuggle in further, as he laid there with his eyes closed.
After a few minutes you stretch a little and open your eyes, and Brendon opens his to look down at you. You both untangle from each other to properly stretch out and sit up against the headboard.
"Good morning sunshine" Brendon says softly. "I think you had a bad dream, you were whimpering in your sleep. When I held you, you stopped." He smiles as he explains why you're wrapped up in his arms.
"I don't remember it, but you're probably right." You tell him, giggling.
"How are you doing? You know with..." he trails off, not wanting to say his name.
"Honestly?" You ask. He nods seriously.
"I'm doing alright. I'm a little hurt, but I'm ok. Thank you, Brendon. For last night. You were there for me when nobody else was, I really appreciate that. And I'm glad we're okay again, I missed my best friend."
"Of course Y/N. I promise, from here on out I'm always gonna be there for you. I refuse to lose you again." Brendon says sincerely. Your heart melts as his soft brown eyes look deep into yours.
"I won't let you lose me, I promise."
He doesn't say anything, he just observes your face, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear.
"You're so pretty" he whispers.
"Yeah right" you mumble in response.
"I'm serious, Y/N, you're gorgeous. Absolutely breathtaking."
You look into his eyes, trying to read the situation.
"Can I tell you a secret?" He asks quietly. You nod and tell him of course he can.
"I'm afraid you'll hate me, but I've always wanted to do this." He says just before he leans in, palming your cheek and bringing his lips to yours. Your heart rate skyrockets and you think there are fireworks surrounding you.
The kiss breaks much sooner than you would have liked, and Brendon smiles bashfully down at you. You return the grin.
"I'm so glad I did that" He whispers. You nod and reach up to kiss him again, which he happily returns.
You feel him smile into the kiss as he brings a hand to your back to pull you closer. You break and he rests his forehead on yours. He pulls back and puts a hand on each of your shoulders before taking a deep breath.
"It's gonna be different this time, I promise. I'll treat you how you deserve to be treated. I know my life is crazy with the band and stuff but, I want you right there next to me. I want you there when all my dreams come true. And I want to be there next to you for yours. If you're willing, I would love more than anything to call you mine."
You nod quickly. "Brendon, you have no idea how much I want that. All of it. I want that for us."
"Thank god" he mumbles before kissing you hard once more, relief and excitement running through him.
The kiss breaks and he pulls you into his arms, running a hand up and down your back as you lay quietly, enjoying the presence of each other.
"You know this means our idiot friends were right all along" You tell him. He laughs and nods, telling you he had secretly hoped they were.
"Me too. Can we make a promise? That we're always going to be there for each other, even if this doesn't work out."
"Pinky promise."

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