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This was a request from Tumblr!

Brendon had been waiting for this day for weeks. The ring he had custom designed for Y/N was finally ready, and at last he held the small box in his hand as he drove home from the jewelers. It was perfect, he thought. It was beautiful and intricate with small detailing engraved in the silver band, but not too extravagant. It fit Y/N to a tee and he couldn't wait to see the ring on her finger. He was so excited to spend the rest of his life with Y/N, they had been together for a little over 2 years and he couldn't be more in love with the girl. They never really talked about marriage, but Brendon had figured they were on the same page. He would've given her the whole world if she asked but it never felt, to him at least, like she believed him.
He flipped the box open when he pulled into their driveway to inspect the ring for the millionth time. He rotated it in the light, enjoying how the diamonds shimmered in it. He smiled and closed the lid, placing it into his pocket and heading up the driveway to unlock the front door.
"Brendon is that you?" Y/N's small voice called tiredly from their bedroom. It was still pretty early in the morning for her and Brendon, but he wanted to go pick up the ring as soon as he could, so he went the second they opened.
Brendon chuckled at the way her voice sounded this early.
"Yes angel, it's me." He replied sweetly as he removed his shoes and walked toward the bedroom. He walked in and saw her snuggled up to her chin in the fluffy blankets on their shared bed.
"Hi baby" she said softly, smiling up at Brendon.
Brendon chuckled and walked to his side of the bed, laying down and snuggling down into the blankets like Y/N. She scooted over and into his arms, which he held open for her.
"Where did you go? Missed waking up next to you." She said with a little bit of a pout in her voice.
"I just went to pick up a little something special for you." He said lowly into her ear, making her gasp and open her eyes wide.
"What is it?!" She asked excitedly. Brendon didn't answer, he just laid there and smiled goofily at her excitement.
"Brendon! You can't just tease me like that, now you have to tell me!"
"Okay okay I can give it to you now, but it's not going to be the way I had planned in my head." He tells her.
She shakes her head.
"That's okay, I just wanna see it!" She says excitedly.
Brendon sighs with a smile. "Alright angel. Come here." He tells y/n as he sits up, urging her to sit too. She does, and he grabs her hand with one of his. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out the box, flipping the top open and revealing the ring to y/n.
Brendon is still looking down, so he doesn't see the tears forming in her eyes, or the panic on her face.
"Y/n, I-" he stops his sentence short when he finally looks into her eyes.
"Angel? What's wrong baby?" Brendon asks, immediately concerned.
"I- you- I can't let you do this" she says, her breathing becoming rapid.
"What? What do you mean?" Brendon asks quietly, his heart shattering by the second. He holds her hand tighter, afraid that if he lets go, she'll disappear.
"I don't deserve this, I don't deserve you. I'm not the one you should be with, I'm not good enough to call myself your wife, Brendon, I can't let you settle. You deserve so much more. I love you more than I've ever loved anyone, which is why I can't let you make this mistake" Y/N explains, trying desperately not to cry the entire way through.
Brendon had never felt pain like he did in that moment. Not pain for himself, but that the person he loved the most in the world didn't feel like she belonged in his life.
"Angel, I don't- come here" he says sadly, wrapping his arms around Y/N's shaking body. She flung herself into him and allowed herself to cry. All Brendon could do was hold her, rubbing her back until she calmed down some. Once she did, he tried to speak again.
"Baby, what on earth would make you think you weren't enough for me? God, is it me? I'm so sorry, I know I don't tell you enough. You are MORE than I could have ever dreamed of." He stops to kiss her softly, wiping her tears.
"You're selfless, you're kind, you're the bravest woman I know, you're absolutely gorgeous, you deal with my crazy ass, you're an absolute saint with my work schedule and the fans, you're it for me, Angel. You're the reason I wake up every day, the reason I stay sane. I love you, I love you for exactly who you are, and I will always love you. There will never be anything that could make me regret you. Me loving you and wanting to spend the rest of my life with you is not me making a mistake, you are not a mistake, Y/N. I love you so much, angel." His voice breaks a little at the end, and he pulled her back in for another hug. Tears flowed from her eyes once again, but this time from the overwhelming love she felt for the man in front of her.
"I love you so much" she whispered, muffled by his hoodie
"I love you. Are you okay? Can I try this again?" He asks as he pulls back, holding the ring box back out to her. She nods with a tear filled laugh and wipes her eyes.
"Y/N, will you marry me?" Brendon finally asks.
She nods quickly and kisses him as he slips the ring on her finger.
She finally looks closely at the ring and gasps.
"Brendon, this ring is absolutely gorgeous! Did you-"
"Have it custom designed? You bet I did. I can't have just anyone walking around with the same ring as my angel." He explains with a smile.
"And don't you dare say you don't deserve it!" He adds sincerely, before Y/N had a chance to speak.
"I adore you, Brendon. Thank you for always making me feel so special."
"You're the most special thing in my life, angel."

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