Sunshine (part 2)

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Enjoy part 2!

"hey!! is this brendon?" Addy typed into a blank message box, just a few hours after her chance encounter with the handsome stranger on the street. She knew there was probably some sort of etiquette as far as waiting to contact him for this type of thing, but honestly she just wanted to know more about this man.
Her thumb hovered over the little blue arrow, debating on whether to send her message or edit it for the 10th time.
"Ugh come on Addy, we're adults," she thought aloud "I should just... be able to hit send..."
She noticed the bottle of tequila on her counter just a few feet away. She looked at the time, 6:30 pm. It was late enough in the day, she decided, and knew what she had to do to gain her courage.
She quickly pushed the chair out behind her as she stood, making Pumpkin jump up on alert as she walked into the kitchen, removing the lid and taking a swig right from the bottle.
She made a face before screwing the cap back on and returning to her seat at the table, closing her eyes and hitting send.
"Well Pumpkin, now that that's over with, I suppose it's in his hands now." She said to the dog, who was now sitting with his head in her lap.
"You want snuggles pup? C'mon, let's go sit on the couch" She said happily, ushering the dog to the living room and plopping down, Pumpkin laying down right on top of her.
Meanwhile, Brendon sat alone in his two bedroom apartment, strumming away at his electric guitar. Music had always been an escape for him, it was the only time he ever let himself feel vulnerable.
He'd been through a lot with people in the past, slowly causing him to build up walls so thick and high, he didn't think he could take them down if he tried.
Music, though, was when he allowed himself to be fully transparent with those who were willing to listen. He poured himself into his music and as a result, had started to gain himself a little bit of an audience online. Not a huge following, but enough to keep him satisfied with continuing to create. It gave him hope knowing that people could connect with what he had to say.
He was so focused on the tune he'd been working on that he almost didn't see his phone light up with a text message from an unsaved phone number... almost.
He lurched forward to grab it, eager to hear from the girl from earlier that day, Adelaide.
He read the message and smiled widely, knowing the only person it would be was her.
He decided to reply back right then, playing games wasn't something he had any interest in, and he was glad she clearly felt the same.
"Hi, it is! is this Adelaide?" He typed quickly, hitting send after double checking each word.
He tapped his foot eagerly, watching the little white dots appear and disappear as she crafted her response. Finally, a message came through.
"That's me :)" she replied.
Brendon debated on what to say next. He wanted to see her again, but he felt his anxiety creeping in. What if she didn't feel the same way? Or worse, what if she was just out to take advantage of him like his last girlfriend had?
"Fuck it" he thought, while typing his message.
"I'm glad to hear from you! I actually wanted to ask you, if you're not busy, maybe we could go get a drink later?"
Her reply came quickly.
"Sure! Let me know a time and a place and we can meet there?"
"Sounds great, whatever you're most comfortable with. Let's say 7 at the Red Door?" Brendon tapped out quickly.
Addy smiled at the 'comfortable' comment, she had a thing about feeling stuck in places without transportation of her own, so she was glad he recognized that.
"I'll be there, see you soon Brendon 💛" she replied coolly, and with that, she quickly scampered off to shower and get herself ready.
Brendon read the message, with the little golden heart at the end, and felt his own heart beat a bit faster than it had been.
It had been over three years since he'd last sought any sort of romantic connection with anyone, after being burned by his ex. His heart had been so loving, and so open to anyone. He was always a romantic, but that all changed when his last girlfriend absolutely shattered his heart, and he honestly never thought he'd feel anything for anyone again after she left him.
He would've done anything in the whole world for that girl, and she happily took anything he had to offer. She rarely returned the affection he gave her, but he didn't mind much. What did him in was the day he woke up to find her not in bed with him. Sleepily, he stumbled down the stairs in search of his beloved, only to find a neatly torn sheet of notebook paper on the kitchen counter. In dark black ink, she'd written a simple note.
"I don't love you anymore."
He tried calling and texting, only to realize he'd been blocked completely. She was gone, and he was beside himself.
Eventually, he moved on and started seeing other people, but it was usually just a quick hookup here or there, he felt nothing.
He shut himself off, appearing stoic, uncaring and even rude. In his mind, if he didn't let anyone in, nobody could hurt him again.
The moment he met Adelaide, he felt like every single wall he'd put in place surrounding his heart had crumbled into nothing. Something changed inside him in that moment, and finally, he felt like he was ready for it.
"Alright miss Adelaide, show me what you've got." He said to himself, a grin finding its way onto his face. He saved her contact and stood from his seat, stretching before heading to his makeshift studio to get a bit of songwriting in before his date.

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