Worth The Wait

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This was a request from tumblr

Damnit I- I just don't know.. what if she says no? Or-or laughs at me or-" Brendon stops his monologue, the doorbell pulling him from his own thoughts.
"Shit, she's here, I gotta go." He mumbles, ending the phone call he had been on with his friend Spencer, straightening out his somewhat ill-fitted button up shirt, and smoothing his hair for the final time before going down to let the girl inside, the one he had had a major crush on for, well, most of his life.
You had known Brendon since you were kids, you were put in the same kindergarten class and your assigned seats were next to each other, it was an instant bond. Brendon's hyperactivity mixed well with your much more mellow and quiet personality, the two of you leveling each other out whenever you were together.
You were seniors now, and still had remained the best of friends. Secretly, you had wished for quite some time now that you could have more with him, but he was usually bouncing between new girlfriends and you didn't want to get in the way of that, so you tended to keep those feelings to yourself.
You stood now at Brendon's doorstep, he had asked you to come over and hang out since his whole family was off doing something without him. You happily agreed, excited to get out of your own house, and even more excited to see Brendon. You rang the doorbell and waited for a bit longer than usual before you heard Brendon bounding down his stairs and flinging the door open.
"Hey there B, you look fancy! What's the occasion?" You ask curiously, he usually just wore band tees and jeans, so the button up and black jeans was somewhat of a shock to you.
"Oh I uh, I don't know I just.. felt like looking nice today?" He explained, sounding unsure of his own answer. Truth be told, he had wanted to start putting in more effort when he was around you, hopefully make you think of him as more of a man.
"Oh... okay? Well can I come inside?" You ask him, reminding him that he was still standing in the doorframe.
"Can yo- oh yeah yeah sorry of course." He says, stepping aside. You give him a weird look as you pass him, stepping into the house and slipping your shoes off.
"So, I was thinking we could watch a movie and snuggle?" You say hopefully. He nods and smiles brightly, leading you to the couch downstairs.
You and him had always been very close and touchy, so this wasn't anything different for the two of you, but lately you felt- well, you hoped, that the snuggles felt... different? A good different, closer and more meaningful maybe. Or maybe it was just your imagination. You hoped for the former, though.
He pulls a blanket from the back of the couch and sits down, opening an arm for you. You hop in and he throws the blanket over the two of you, making sure to cover your face with it briefly just to tease you.
"Alright, guests choice. What shall we watch?" He asks you, handing you the remote. You scroll through Netflix, eventually landing on Hercules. Your eyes widen and you look up at him for approval. He laughs and nods, telling you to click it.
Throughout the movie, Brendon holds you closer than he usually did, and you notice his heartbeat was faster than you remembered. He normally talked a lot, which you didn't mind, but today he was quiet, which was leading you to believe something was wrong.
You pause the movie, the worry for your friend becoming too much for you to handle.
"Ok Bren, what's up. You've been acting super weird all day and I'm worried about you, is everything ok? I mean, you don't have to tell me but just... I want to help if you're not feeling good." You tell him, concern lacing your features.
He looks surprised, but quickly remembers that he can't hide anything from you.
"Y/N, thank you first of all, you're so sweet, I just- I've been really anxious today because I- well fuck it, I had a whole plan for this but- will you... go to prom with me?" He asks nervously. Your heart almost jumps out of your chest.
"Oh Brendon, of course I will." you say softly.
He visibly relaxes at your answer, and looks into your eyes for the first time since you'd come over.
"Please just kiss me" you whisper, and he wastes no time fulfilling your request.
The kiss was soft and sweet, everything you could have hoped for. He breaks it and smiles down at you adoringly, before pulling you back into his chest, for a hug this time.
"I'm so happy you said yes, and that I finally got to kiss you. I've liked you forever, you know." He says into the top of your head.
"I've liked you forever too" you mumble, face still buried in his chest.
"For real?? I literally had no idea, I would have done that years ago!" He says with a laugh, pulling you back for another kiss.
"You know, this means you're gonna have to help me pick out a dress." You say to him after the kiss breaks, only partly kidding. He nods and smiles sweetly, and tells you he doesn't mind as long as he's with you. You lay your head back on his chest, hitting play again on the movie.
Surprisingly, you doze off. The sounds of Brendon humming along to the music and the warmth of his body and the blanket putting you right to sleep.
Brendon notices your head become heavier on him, and peeks down to find you asleep. He smiles and watches the rest of the movie in pure happiness, any anxieties he had about today long gone, vanishing when his lips had finally met yours.

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