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You and Brendon had met your freshman year of high school, and were immediately smitten with each other. You were scared, scared to fall in love at all much less so soon, so you had both agreed to remain friends for a while. You very quickly became the best of friends, doing everything together. Neither of you lost those original feelings.
"Y/n I know we agreed to just be friends but I don't think I can do that anymore."
You finally gave in over the summer, falling absolutely head over heels for each other.
"Do you know what my one regret is?"
"What's that love?"
"That I waited so long to say yes to you."
You and Brendon were the couple everyone knew would be together forever. You just got each other in such a unique way, the way people only saw in their parents and grandparents. You worked as a unit, both of you leaning on the other during your weaker moments, and providing structure and somewhere safe to land when it was your turn to be strong.
You loved him more than you loved anyone, and he looked at you as if you were the most precious diamond in the world. You had taken him out of the darkest parts of his life so far, and he would never forget it.
"Brendon you don't have to thank me all the time, that's what girlfriends are for. If I wasn't helping you grow and heal and change as a person, I would be a pretty shitty girlfriend, now wouldn't I?"
"I know, I just-"
"Shhh, baby. I love you, and you don't have to thank me, okay?"
"Okay. I love you too. So much."
He saw the value in the way you loved him through every stupid thing he did, and how unwavering your belief was in him, and he tried his hardest every single day to remind himself never to take that for granted. You always encouraged him to pursue his dreams and put himself out there musically, and although he was anxious, he finally did. He met a few guys and they started a little garage band, and he truly enjoyed it more than anything. He always doubted it would go anywhere, but you knew better.
"Y/n, you know don't have to go to every little gig we book, it's just a stupid little hobby. You're probably sick of the same setlist every night."
"I could never get sick of you, or anything about you. You're going places, Brendon Urie, I promise you that."
The years flew by, and suddenly you were both high school graduates. You and Brendon were still together, the happiest you'd ever been. Brendon's love for music was finally about to pay off, his band had just been signed to a big record label! You couldn't have possibly been more proud of him. You took him shopping for some more dignified clothes to wear to meetings, you and him both packed up and moved to LA so he and the band could be closer to the big Hollywood scene, and things were going smoother than you could have expected.
You both worked hard, harder than you'd ever worked, to keep afloat in Los Angeles, but you made it work somehow.
The day Brendon got the call that Panic's first single was going to start getting radio play, you cried out of pure love and joy for him. He had worked so hard for this, and you always knew he could make something of himself.
"Holy shit! Baby I- they're gonna play us on the radio! I can't believe this is real!"
"I am so fucking proud of you!"
"I absolutely adore you."
From there, it snowballed. Photoshoots, music videos, TV appearances, touring. You always stood off to the side, smiling from ear to ear.
You, for the most part, got to see Brendon nearly every day, but as time passed it became more and more infrequent. It wasn't Brendon's fault, you knew that he still loved you, but it was getting difficult. Days turned to a week, a week turned to 2 and 3, and soon it had been a month since you'd seen him last.
You felt him slipping. Not on purpose, he didn't even realize what was happening. He was so happy with his work life, so excited to meet fans and make new music with his friends, living his biggest dream.
You watched him shine and still, even though things were different between you two, you still glowed with pride.
A year slipped by and your relationship had drifted. He felt it, you felt it, there were only shreds of the past that remained. You didn't fight, you didn't argue, there was no infidelity, it just became a lifestyle you couldn't force yourself to be okay with, and he never wanted to make you upset or force you into anything.
The day you decided you needed to have that conversation, you both cried in each other's arms. You each shook with heavy sobs, knowing that everything would change from that moment on. You both felt like this was a death in the family, but you still saw their ghost.
"I'm so sorry. I still love you, I always will, I just can't do this anymore. I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry."
"I'm sorry too baby, but I understand. I will always love you. I can promise you that."
At the end of it all, you both knew your relationship would never work in the way that you both so deeply wanted and needed. He needed someone to be okay with the unstable rockstar touring life, and you just couldn't be that anymore. You wanted to start your own life, and he didn't want to get in the way, he never wanted you to give up on your own dreams for him.
"Promise me you'll do everything you said you always would?"
"I promise, Brendon."
It had been 5 years since you'd seen him. Well, seen him in person. You saw him all the time. He was absolutely everywhere in the media. You couldn't go a day without seeing him online in some way, and although sometimes it tugged at your heartstrings, you couldn't help but mentally say a little 'I told you, you could do it. You're doing everything I always knew you could.' to him, in your head of course.
You hoped he still remembered all the late nights you'd stay up and listen to his song ideas, and talk about aspects of music that you could never even dream of understanding, just because you loved seeing the light of passion in his eyes glimmering. You always knew he was meant for the stage.
You had moved to New York and gotten a really nice job at a non-profit, and honestly loved your life. You felt so lucky to do what you did and live where you lived, life seemed to be falling into place for the both of you.
You pulled up a livestream of a festival performance he was doing and immediately teared up and smiled, noticing how comfortable and confident he had become. He loved his life, and you couldn't be more thankful that he kept going. You thought about the lives he had saved with his music, the people whose hearts he'd touched, and felt nothing but joy for his accomplishments.
You weren't meant for each others lives anymore, and you'd learned to accept that, but you were glad you were able to experience what you had with Brendon while you had it.
At the end of every show, as he takes his final bows, he looks out at the crowd, and a small part of him always hopes he'll see you, cheering him on just like you always had

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