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"dad I -"

"keep it for later Jung hoseok...... cause you'll need it.."

gulping the throne of rag in his throat... he stood there motionless..

"now get out of my office.."

there was no need to tell him another time..... he stormed out of the chamber along with the giant building....

the building was so huge that it felt like it came out straight from one of those k dramas.

well it was a film & entertainment industry. it's interior design was just as good as it's exterior.... complimenting each other.

any passer by would atleast turn around once to see it's beauty...

but none of these actually affected the brown headed guy.. why would it.. he was used to them by now anyway.

so without any hesitation.... slamming the glass door in the process, he got out of it and went to his bike... hoping off for the hide out of his gang...

he will never forgive her.. Mrs Jung.. his dad's second wife... just for her.. his life is always in turning point.. something is always happening.

like.. today.. she made a fuss out of nothing... it's clear she doesn't like him.. yet always trying to wed off her sister with hoseok..

can you imagine.. even though he doesn't give her the respect of a mother.. still.. they are officially mother and son...

how can she thinks of marrying her own sister off with her so called son..

disgusting ... it's all for the wealth.. witch....

his mood was already off about the coffee incident when he got into his father's office.. yet there he got another lecture on how he should behave good with his would be wife..
how he should not leave her alone on dates... forced dates to be exact...

if she would be a nice girl it would be another thing....

she was just an ugly evil in a fairy's disguise....

always complaining about him to his parents .. playing the victim...


he was so engrossed into his thoughts that he didn't see the car in his way..

well.. he was the one in the wrong side...

he escaped a great disaster narrowly..
he was so close to being crashed like a potato..so close that when the car and his bike stopped in almost a inch distance... he was left breathless....

gasping for air he controlled himself...
but as soon as he came out if his trance.... he was furious...

hastily removing his helmet .. and putting it on one of the glass mirror.. he was storming towards the car...

he didn't care if it was his fault.. he was angry...
angry at that coffee guy, angry at his own dad and that witch.. and also that bloody two faced sister...

and now he was going to vent his anger out on the Poor unknown guy.

he went to the window next to the driver slamming the windshield in his way....

banging the window furiously... he started
"get out of your shield you fucktard... get the fuck out.... I said out.. now..."

he knew well what happens in these situations... persons in their shoes.. never comes out.. atleast when there is a trouble maker type boy trying to kill you out side...

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