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11:00 pm

You awake?

Yeah, why?

Just wanted to tell you to make a fucking move

You drunk?

Hell, no
Wish I was just drunk for me to tell you everything hahaha
But I'll keep this a secret
But seriously, make a fucking move

Why would I? It's not the right time, T.

Just do it
I just heard Dad engaging Wolfram to some girl
I'm just not sure and then I remember you and what happened to Tito Helion before

I won't let it happen
I know Dad

Just a heads up hahaha
Solandra's my cousin and you know that I am rooting for you
So if you don't want to make a fucking move, it's okay

You sound mad, dude


'm not

I can wait for her, you know?
I can't just ask her to like me back just because I like her
At sincere ako kay Solandra and I respect her
I just think she's not ready yet for this

What if Dean was already pursuing her?

I'm not going to back off if that's what you're thinking
Hindi ko naman hahayaan iyon
I'm just waiting for the right time
She's not ready

What if she is?

What do you mean?

Just a thought

It's for me to find out, I guess.
Read 11:06 pm

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