6. "Romeo and Juliet died to be dramatic"

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I took a deep breath looking at my reflection in the mirror. Maybe the dress I was wearing was too tight? Maybe I shouldn't have put so much lipstick.

I was debating wheather or not I should change when I notification came on my phone. I unlocked the screan when I saw a message from Hero. Immediately a smile appeared on my face and I clicked on the message eager to talk to him. 

Attached to the message there was a phot of him. He was sitting n his bed, a coffee mug in his hand. He had a cute smile on his face, dimples and all, and he had his eyes closed, his nose scranched. 

"It's just me, myself and coffee" he had written and I fought the urge to laugh.

"Do you want some company?" I asked, forgetting I had actually plans with Mercy.

As soon as those three dots appeared on my screan, meaning he was typing, my breath hitched and my heart started beating faster. 

"I'm fine by myself. My mug tho, maybe needs some :)"

Was that an invitation? He was so cryptic all the time. I could never fully understand what he wanted to say. I was about to reply when my door burst open and my dad came in without even knocking. 

I hid my phone behind me and looked at him who had crossed his arms.

"You're going out again? You never spend time with us, anymore" he said with a firm look.

"You don't either" I snapped back, trying to put my earings on, a way to dissmiss him. 

"I didn't bring you here for vacation, Josephine" he said. 

"Then why did you?" I looked at him. "Because I've been here for almost two months and you have bearly agknoleged my existance. I was fine back in Perth"

"Look, your mom and I-"

"My mom? Of course!" I laughed without homour. "She got tired of me, didn't she? That's why she sent me here! To get rid of me. And now you're tired of me too. Thanks a lot!" 

"She just had a lot on her mind right now. You will go back as soon as the year ends"

"Sure! Toss me around like I'm a ball. One year with you one year with mom. You just pass me around like I'm just a useless piece of crap you can barely tolerate, huh? Aren't I true?" I yelled at him.

He hesitated to answer and that said it all. 

"Don't worry. I'll be an adult in a few months. I won't be your responisbily anymore" I said, grabbing my phone and my purse trying to get out of the house.

"See, that's what your mother was talking about! You don't listen to anyone! How do you expect me to respect you and put up with you? Don't turn your back on me young lady..." but I was long gone.

I was tougher than that. I was stronger. I could put up with them. With myself. I didn't need them anymore. Yeah, my parents hated me but there are worse things in the world.

I'm selfish.

I'm so selfish.

I reached the house of the pary but I hesitated to get in. Do I really need this right now?

Jordan's words came to my mind. "Say a big fuck you to your insecurities"

I did and without a second word I went in. It was crowded of course, as expected. 

Almost immediately I spotted Mercy and Theo sitting on a couch against each other's embrace. 

Before I could approach them, I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around only to find Jordan with a big smile on his face.

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