15 | winter formal, junior year

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Chapter XV: Winter Formal, Junior Year

HER RED HAIR was unmissable as she sauntered through the crowd, adoring a smile she scouted the hall to find a particular green-eyed girl in amidst of the swaying drunk bodies as the loud music reverberated around them.

Celeste Leon.

From afar, the 'Queen' of Harrington noticed the girl who threatened to steal her crown; she rolled her eyes as she turned to her best friend, who stood idly besides her, snarling at the sight of Scarlett Lockwood — a snarl that could've been mistaken for smirk by people surrounding them. Madeline whispered something to Celeste which caused her to snicker, an interaction Scarlett spotted as she closed the distance between them, and it caused her entire mood to sour — an expression clear on her face.

"Powder room. 10 minutes," Scarlett ordered, momentarily holding Celeste's eyes, whose looked anything but friendly.

When did Lockwood call the shots? Wasn't Celeste the Queen? Maybe that's why she sneered at the redhaired girl. Scarlett smirked. Then, she turned away, slipping through the crowd whilst greeting everyone and anyone who glanced her. Her eyes steadily focused on the bar — a drink would surely make this evening more enjoyable. At the bar, greeting Scarlett, was the lone Japanese twin, the eldest by 10 minutes, cocking his head to the side as he raised a brow at the sight of her.

"Ah, my beautiful aka," Kaito smirked when she settled besides him, his eyes twinkled. "Looking quite ravishing this evening."

A scoff left her red lips. "Order me a drink, Kaito. Also, where's your sister?"

"Lockwood is calling the shots now," He kissed his teeth in disapproval, yet his amused expression said otherwise. "I heard you want to gather in the powder room. Did Celeste ask for that?"

Of course, Celeste. It's always about Celeste. Why does Celeste decide when they meet? Why is she the only person calling the shots? Scarlett's face darkened as she shook her head.

"No. I did. Now, get me that drink and tell me where your sister has disappeared to. I told her to meet at the front a while ago."

"I'm not her babysitter."

Rolling her eyes, she had no doubt the twins had gotten in yet another argument. She wondered for a second if Akari had finally found out about Kaito's true business, maybe that was why they were arguing. But, there was a huge chance it could be about their father — Kaito has never had a good relationship with their father. Once a drink sat in front of her, she wasted no time as she swallowed it all, ignoring the look of amusement from Kaito.

The alcohol sparked a buzz within her, adrenaline rushing through her body. It was a good feeling, she loved it, she relished in it. Handing the glass back to the bartender, she set off on her journey, pushing through sweaty bodies in search of Akari — instead she found Elijah Astor.

"Kaito's listening to you," The corner of Elijah's lips lifted up in a sadistic smile, his eyes clearly showing he was too far gone. "That's the first. We're taking orders from you now?"

Scarlett's nose crinkled in disgust. Briefly, she wished Candace was her; she would protect her from him. He clasped her head as he lifted it up to his lips where his alcohol stained lips pressed against her porcelain skin. Hazel eyes studied her features with interest when she snatched her hand back.

"My queen," he mocked. "What would you like me to do?"

"I'd like you to find me Akari."

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