white chysanthemums

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chapter three:
white chrysanthemums: (symbolize) truth

Faster, faster, faster.

Bare feet hit the concrete rapidly, fingers curling in the cuffs of the thin strawberry themed sweater as Ayane darted down the street, ragged breaths leaving her lips as she pushed forward.

Adrenaline rushed through her veins, and she gripped her sweater tight, bloody fingers staining the nearly worn out fabric as she turned a corner, orange braid whipping behind her as she entered the new street.

Just one more block.

Her mother was going to be furious, but the sense of excitement and fear filling her was too much as she grinned toothily, ignorant of the way the warm spring wind blew at her face. The oversized sweater bunched around her as she bolted between the people, heart hammering inside her chest. I need to tell him!

Someone yelled at her to stop, only making her pick up more speed— if that was even possible because she had never ran so fast in her life. Her chest heaved, breathless as she bolted in the three storey building, small legs still pumping as she made her way up the staircase.

She was going to deal with exhaustion once she finally relaxed, but right now she was busy recalling the address, her feet sliding into a sudden halt and Ayane nearly toppled over.

The door stood before her, the address so clear in her mind as she impatiently raised a fist, knocking at the hard wood a couple of time, then punching in the doorbell once or twice for good measure as well.

Ayane rocked back on the balls of her heels, feet dirty and hurting. The doorknob twisted open, the door shifting inside and she raised her tiny fists slightly, lips stretched into a happy grin.

"I think I got my—"

But she paused, staring flatly at the pair of watery green eyes focusing her with a look of shock and utter confusion.

"Ayacchan?" Midoriya Inko echoed surprisingly, "what're you doing here all by yourself? Does Shizu-san know that you're here—?"

"Why are you crying?"

Inko blinked, tears silently sliding down her cheeks before she rushed to wipe her face. Ayane curled her fingers, watching as the woman put on a happy façade, shooting a friendly smile. "Of course I'm not crying— goodness, is that blood?!"

The taste of copper on her tongue reminded Ayane of why she was here, but a hand flattened against her back, ushering her inside the house urgently.

"Why is there blood on you? Are you hurt, sweetie? I'll get the first aid kit. Wait right here."

Ayane wiped the blood caked around her lips with the sleeve of her sweater while Inko hurriedly sped inside the kitchen, rambling in panic. Ayane turned, making her way towards the familiar room.

She didn't bother to knock, pushing the already ajar door open as a proud grin split her lips. "Guess what, Izu-kun? I think I finally got my—"

Her mouth instantly clamped shut, eyes snapping to the hunched over figure lying on the mattress. A sob wreaked through the quiet air, the mess of blue blankets on the bed shaking, loud whimpers echoing off the room walls, and Ayane blinked once, taking in the image before her as her feet moved on their own.

"Izu-kun?" She whispered, nearing the bed. A hand rose outwards, small bloody fingers brushing against the bundle of blankets. "What's wrong?"

A head popped out, wild green locks coming into view before Izuku gripped the bed sheet tight, knuckles white while his eyes went round like twin moons, freezing. "A-Ayacchan? What're you doing here?"

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