red salvias

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I don't own anything but my original characters and their backgrounds.

chapter eight
red salvias (symbolize) together forever


The memory of her first time in a hospital played in Ayane's mind shutter by shutter. She remembered the stench of phenyl in the air. Stainless white tiles. Carmine red irises glaring challengley at her. Mistuki Bakugou's shouting. Her mother's own frown. The disappointment in her father's eyes as he looked down on her.

The sting of that slap on her cheek. The burn of those callused fingers. The heat of those hot tears spilling down her face as she was roughly grabbed by the elbow, and yanked ahead forcefully.

"Did you lie to me, Aya?"

I'm sorry. She wanted to say that. To apologize while she wept, latching onto her father's leg as she cried her heart out. I'm so sorry.

But she had swallowed those words right in, and clenched her teeth when she was pulled away, Katsuki's eyes hot on her back. Tears blurred her vision as she stumbled in Fujimo's tenacious grip, not a single word leaving her lips as her cheek throbbed in sheer pain.

The only person I wanted to apologize to, Ayane had thought, wiping her runny nose. Was Izu-kun.

"You ungrateful brat!"

The sharp slap of her mother's hand brought her back to the present, a curtain of orange locks falling over her face as her mother brought her fists down atop the teen's head. Compared to Fujimo, Natsumi's hands weren't hard or rough. But the way she was shrieking and screaming was enough to hold Ayane's heart in a painful grip.

"Look what you did!" Natsumi cried, thumping her fists down her daughter's stilled form. "Look what you did to Fujimo!"

"Madam," one of the nurse's stepped in worriedly. "Madam, it's not advised to be this violent around the patient—"

"Shut up!" Natusmi hissed, smacking the outstretched hand away from her shoulder. Her gray eyes ablaze, she sneered. "Don't teach me how to deal with my daughter!"

A series of consecutive beeps continued to fill the air, Ayane's gaze following the way her father's chest rose and fell with small, shallow breaths. The breather clamped around his mouth, bandages covering his limbs, and so many wires hooked around him made him look so small as he lay silent on the stark white bed. Fujimo was a man with an aura that demanded respect and acknowledgment. Being Quirkless hadn't stopped him from getting that.

It hadn't stopped him from engraving fear deep into his daughter's heart.

Internal bleeding. Broken bones. The doctor's word had rung in the air as he flipped through a notebook. The patient fell from a great height. Chances of survival aren't high.

Fingers grabbed onto auburn locks, tugging forcefully. Ayane winced as Natsumi gripped her head, yanking at her hair while the woman shrieked in hysterics. "We raised you. Fed you. Protected you. And this is how you pay us, Ayane? You brought your own father to the brink of suicide!"

I didn't mean to. Ayane sucked in a deep breath, frozen to the spot. Her arms remained still at her sides, not bothering to defend against her mother's furious onslaught. I didn't know my refusal would make you take your own life.

"Stupid girl!" Natsumi sobbed, shaking the fist full of orange locks. "You stupid, ungrateful girl!"

"I'm sorry."

Ayane sank to her knees, the fingers tugging her hair slowly loosening. Warm tears slid down her face, dribbling down her chin as Ayane dipped her head, orange locks tumbling down her shoulder. "I'm so sorry!"

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