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Just a warning, I switched to 3rd person randomly and I dont know where sooo...

Okay class stark industries sent in intern application forms. They said that these are mock tests but if I were you I'd do good. Tony stark said that you could potentially have a spot as an intern saved of you make a high enough score." The teacher said as she passed out the tests. All around the classroom people are muttering and whispering about the internship spot. The teacher reminds us that it's a test so we have to stop talking.

I had pepper send out the applications to midtown high school. Once the students were finished I looked at their times and looked at the fastest to the slowest. The fastest one was done by a flash Thompson. I was expecting at least a 4 percent since that was the lowest someone's ever made. I hacked into the schools security cameras to see what type of person they are when no one is watching. Seeing as I already knew what Peter looked like because I traced his phone I recognized him immediately.

As I'm watching the kid was talking to another kid. I stopped the security footage and searched pictures of everyone at the school.

Once I could put names to faces he resumed the footage. He watched as Peter was talking to ned and was seemingly happy. The rest of the went by fine until the end of the day. Then after ned and mj left Peter saw someone walking down the hall and the color drained from his face. He was already so skinny, bruised, and pale. Then he saw flash walking towards Peter and saw Peter try to get away and be surrounded by flash's friends. They start to beat him up and then they leave. Tony doesn't ignore the way Peter flinched when they repeatedly touched or hit his wrists. Tony waits for Peter to get up and Peter finally does after 30 minutes of lying there trying to get up. Tony checks the footage date. This is today? It looks like he's used to it by now, poor kid. Peter glances at his phone to check the time and pales so much that Tony thought that the kid would pass out from fear. Suspicious. Tony sent a drone to watch him from a distance and see Peter being beat up by his aunt then sent to bed without food.

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