Peach Makes A Friend

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It was a gorgeous day in the mushroom kingdom. The sun was shining bright and the wind blew in a nice chill breeze. Walking down a dirt trail in the forest was Princess Toadstool Peach in her signature pink dress. Peach was enjoying the newfound freedom she had after disposing of the evil Bowser for good. She walked with a happy beat, swinging her umbrella from side to side, as she made her way through the forest taking in the sights and sounds.

Peach: Ahh, what a lovely day to take a stroll. It feels great to do stuff like this without having to worry about Bowser kidnapping me.

She proceeded to rub her belly slightly. Suddenly her stomach gave off a loud rumble, causing the forest to go silent.

Peach: Yikes, I guess I didn't have that much too eat.

Peach continued on, despite what her stomach was telling her. Meanwhile, in another part of the forest, a young teen girl rested against the stump of a tree. The girl's name was Maple. She had decided to get outside and enjoy the fresh air. She had taken a seat against the tree to take a nap, when she was awoken by a happy humming. She looked up to see Princess Peach walking down the trail with a pink umbrella, seemingly unaware of Maple's presence.

Maple: Oh my god, it's Princess Peach. I can't believe she's hear... I've gotta hide.

Maple quickly took cover behind the tree, not wanting to be spotted by the beautiful princess. Maple had a secret crush on Peach since her pre teen years. Every time she saw Peach in public, her face would light up red like a Christmas tree. She was very shy and insecure when it came to telling people about her romantic feelings.

Maple: It's just me and Peach, now could be my chance to introduce myself and tell her my feelings. Wait, no I can't do that, she might think I'm stalking her. Oh man, maybe I can sneak away, unnoticed.

As Maple began to step back, she accidentally stepped on a twig.

Peach: What was that, who's there.

Maple: Oh crap, I'm so screwed.

She looked around to see what the source of the sound was.

Peach: Hello, anyone there?!

No response.

Peach: I'm not mad, it's okay to come out.

Maple's stomach was filled to the brim with butterflies.

Maple: Ah screw it. Here goes nothing.

Maple proceeded to step out into the open.

Peach was surprised by what she saw; a teenage girl who looked just about 18 wearing a yellow tank top, a brown, spring weather coat, modest orange sneakers, honey colored hair wrapped in a pony tail, brown shorts, and red eyes.

Peach: Why hello there, my name is Princess Peach, what may your name be.

She didn't respond.

Peach: It's okay, I'm not mad.

Maple: Hi Peach. My name is Maple, I live around here.

Peach: Well it's nice to meet you Maple. May I ask what you were doing in those bushes.

Maple: I was just relaxing and taking in the beautiful world around me. I heard you coming and I tried to leave.

Peach: Why were you trying to sneak away.

Maple: I'm kinda shy and being around new people makes me nervous.

Peach: Well you don't have to be nervous, I would be happy to get to know you more. Why don't you come with on a walk.

Maple: Sure, I've got nothing better to do.

With that, Peach continued her stroll through the woods with her new friend.

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