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eleven, 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐋 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄

❝I'M SCARED,❞ Eden rolled her eyes as the two words left Salem's lips for what seemed like the hundredth time since they got off the plane.

"Salem, please."


"Shut up."

Salem narrowed her eyes at her best friend, looking nervously around the airport as they headed to the crowded baggage claim. "I'm freaking out, E."

"Trust me, I know," Eden rolled her eyes and replied. "You won't shut up about it."

"What if something goes wrong? What if they don't show up? God, I mean what if she doesn't even like me?"

"You and Charli will be fine," Eden reassured the brunette, grabbing her suitcases as Salem did the same. "You guys are closer than ever, and besides it was her idea for the both of you to hangout and meet. Why wouldn't she like you?"

"I just," Salem sighed heavily. "I don't want to come on to strong, or let my feelings get in the way of us being just friends. Because that's what we are...just friends."

"Are you happy with that?" Eden asked.

"I'm happy with it, if she's happy with it," Salem shrugged it off. "Besides, it's a crush..it'll pass-" Salem was cut off by her phone text tone going off, she opened the message.

my bambino 🥴
we're here !!

my boo 🥰

my bambino 🥴

Salem let out a shriek, gripping onto Eden as she read the text and drew eyes towards her and her friend. "She's here. She's here. She's here."

"Okay, but where?"

Salem looked around the airport, at this point anyone with hair that even looked similar to Charli was drawing her eye, but she still couldn't find the D'amelio girl. She ignored the people who were obviously filming her, most likely for their Snapchat stories or Tiktoks, and continued to look for the girl.

"Salem!" Salem was sure her heart was beating a mile a minute when she heard the voice she had only heard through videos and FaceTime calls, call her name. She saw Eden pulled out her phone ready to capture the moment that was going to happen, and the moment came.

Before she knew it, Salem had Charli in her arms, hugging the girl tightly, and Charli squeezed her just a tight.

Two halves put together.

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