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forty-four, 𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐀𝐆𝐄

( 𝗹𝗼𝘁𝘁𝗶𝗲 & 𝘀𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗺 )

lottie 🕷🖤
hey salem, you know i
love you right? ur one of
my best friends and i want
nothing more than for us to
go to each other's weddings,
have our kids be best friends,
and grow old together

lottie 🕷🖤
what i'm trying to say is
i love you and you're
a great friend

salem 🧙🏻‍♀️🖤
awww lottie i love you
too, i appreciate having you
as a best friend and i'm so grateful
to have you in my life

lottie 🕷🖤
that's what makes this
so hard

salem 🧙🏻‍♀️🖤

lottie 🕷🖤
salem, because i love you
and love our friendship i want to
say that i don't ever want to lose
you, our bond, anything

salem 🧙🏻‍♀️🖤
ur not getting rid of
me lottie i'm not going anywhere

lottie 🕷🖤
just please, don't hate for
anything i'm about to tell you

lottie 🕷🖤
but i have to tell you this
i can't stand by and watch you
go through all of this again, for
stuff i played a part in

salem 🧙🏻‍♀️🖤
lottie you're scaring me
what is it?

lottie 🕷🖤
what i'm about to tell you
is a lot, so just let me get everything
off my chest before you respond,
or don't respond, or cut me off

salem 🧙🏻‍♀️🖤
why would i cut you off?
lottie what's going on?

lottie 🕷🖤
i was one of the girls lilith
was spotted kissing at that
party, she made me deny it
because she didn't want herself
to look bad and apart of me went
along with it because of you, but
it was for her

lottie 🕷🖤
a lot of the things i did
was for lilith, because i
WAS in love with her, or had
convinced myself i was. and
salem, i hated seeing you two
together, knowing that i couldn't
have her. so, when she came to me
and kissed me, i wasn't just going to
push her away

lottie 🕷🖤
i shouldn't have disrespected
your relationship and our friendship.
we know lilith, what she wants, she
gets. and she's always wanted you.
wanted you to herself, wanted you to
want her and only her. and now that
you want someone else, she fees
threatened and insecure...

lottie 🕷🖤
you can probably see
where i'm going with this

lottie 🕷🖤
it was lilith. lilith was the one
that outed charli to tiktokroom
and got them to expose her.
i'm pretty sure that her and chase
purposely split you and charli apart
for their own selfish benefit

lottie 🕷🖤
chase wanted clout and hype, and lilith
wanted you...and would stop at
nothing to get you and that included
outing charli

lottie 🕷🖤
but she wouldn't have known
charli was bisexual if i hadn't
told her. it wasn't my secret to
tell, and i had no business telling
lilith but it slipped out and she used
it against charli and i feel bad about it
to this day

lottie 🕷🖤
there was also a paragraph
charli had sent you and lilith
told me in a facetime call that
it was her that deleted it out of your
phone the day y'all hung out because
she didn't want you to leave her for
charli or know how charli felt about you,

lottie 🕷🖤
you don't want to believe it
but she purposely made you
avoid hanging out with charli
on her last day because she's
selfish and manipulative, and
i hate that i fell into her tricks
and that you have to

lottie 🕷🖤
i should've told you sooner
i was just so far up lilith's ass
and stuck in this delusional state
where i actually thought me and her
would be together, that she would
leave you...and as bad as that sounds
that's the mindset i had

lottie 🕷🖤
but i don't have that mindset now
i've learned that not only do i
deserve better but so do you

lottie 🕷🖤
and as your friend, i
want you to have better

lottie 🕷🖤
but also as your friend, i
should've never put you in
this position. i should've never
betrayed your trust. i should've
never trusted lilith. i should've never
done any of this

lottie 🕷🖤
you are my best friend, but
i understand if you no longer
want anything to do with me

lottie 🕷🖤
i'm so sorry salem, i really
READ 10:35 PM

lottie 🕷🖤
i'm sorry 😕
READ 10:40 PM

authors note,
wow wow wow. my friends
pressured me into updating so
here ya go 😍✨
y'all think salem will forgive lottie 🤔

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