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fourth-three, 𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐀𝐆𝐄

( 𝗅𝗈𝗍𝗍𝗂𝖾 & 𝗅𝗂𝗅𝗂𝗍𝗁 )

lils 💫
what the hell lottie

lils 💫
what the fuck is your problem?

lottie 🙄
what are you talking about

lils 💫
u were so in love with me
weeks ago

lils 💫
practically begging for my attention

lils 💫
and then you go and shit talk
me in comment sections and take
me off ur spam....where u were probably
throwing even more shade

lils 💫
what the fuck is up with you?
why would you do that?

lottie 🙄
okay first of all, it's my mouth,
my spam, my comments, i do
and say what i want

lils 💫
"she got what she deserved"

lottie 🙄
you did.

lils 💫
how low do you have to be to
do that to someone? someone who
considered you a close friend? someone
you claimed you were in love with?

lils 💫
you're so fucking fake

lottie 🙄

lottie 🙄
you of all people have NO
room to talk about FAKE

lottie 🙄
ur the fakest person i've met

lils 💫
spare me, ur only acting like this
because of eden. if nothing had happened
between me and her you would still be
begging for me to like you back. and telling
me how much you love me

lils 💫
so drop the act lottie

lils 💫
it's annoying the fuck out of me

lottie 🙄
there isn't an act lils

lottie 🙄
i just finally realized i
deserve better

lils 💫
YOU deserve better? you didn't
have me in the first place for you to
be talking about you deserve better
i had to laugh

lottie 🙄
that's the thing, not only do i
deserve better. but so does salem

lottie 🙄
YOU don't deserve her,
you never did

lils 💫
right right right. this is just
your jealousy and desperation talking

lils 💫
ur just on that sharli bullshit

lottie 🙄
salem and charli are perfect
for each other, period

lils 💫
right and that's why charli was
all over and posting chase, right?
because their so perfect for each other.

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