Chapter 2

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Me Felix and Henry are on a team. Most of the teams where in groups of two. But there was an odd number so there would be one group of three. We go out to the woods i pull out my bow and awrrow. Henry said "why do think Pan's doing this Raven"? I looked over at him and said "no idea but we'll figure it out just like we always do". I ruffled his hair we walked for a while. The i heard a loud *SNAP* i turned to the nose. I yelled "SHOW YOURSELF"! Henry got behind Me Felix pulled out his bow. A girl with black hair violet eye's and alabaster skin walked out. I said "who the hell are you"?! She said "i'm Styx....Raven" i looked at her and said "how do you know my name?!" Styx walked closer and said "i know everyones name the boy next to you is Felix and the boy behind you is Henry". I gave her a glare and said "do you work for Pan?!" Styx's red lips turned into a dark crimson smile. She said "yes...i do" i looked at her no one works for Pan unless he has something to offer them. Just look at what happened to Greg and Tamara. I said "what is Pan offering you"!? She smiled and said "thats none of your business" i looked at her and said "why are you helping him"! She said "he wants revenge and i want something even sweeter". Wait did she say her name is Styx that's...the river to the underworld. I said "let me get this straight your name is Styx....And your name means the River to the underworld"? She gave a evil grin and said "thats right i can kill something with just one touch". Then she touched a tree and it withered away to nothing. She said "but don't you worry i can't kill anyone under the age of 23". I looked at her and look behind me. Henry's scared i can tell i mouth 'its ok Henry'. I said "so you where the one who did this?" She nods and then Pan walks out. He said "hello Raven" I pull back my bow it was now Blue electricity. Each time i face something i get Braver. He smirks and says "your really not afraid of anything anymore are you"? I shook my head no "did you not believe me"? He said "i assumed that you did but now its clear your not". He sniffed the air and said "oh but Felix i can smell your's"! He started at him i appeared in front of him with a sword to his neak. Pan said "you've gotten better" i nod and said "now leave both of you"! Pan nods and pushes the sword away. He bows and said "as you wish ma-lady" he said teasingly i rolled my eyes and then they disapreid. I turn back and Henry and Felix stared at me. Henry walked to me and said "what are we gonna do"? I said "no idea lets go back". Henry nods and starts walking. Felix took my wrist and said "thank did you learn to do that"? I said "i told you that Regina's been teaching me". Felix said "well your doing a good job". He looked at me and pulled me in and put his lips on mine.I kissed him back i pulled back and said "lets go". He said "no hang on minute they can wait on you". He kissed me again i pulled back and said "Felix we have to go....". I pulled away and start walking back. Henry waited for me he said "i'm a little worried about mom". I said "Henry don't worry will fix this i promise". Henry said "thanks Raven" he hugged me i said " can call me Sis". He smiled and said "ok thanks Sis". I smiled and said "no problem little bro". We link arms and walk back to Granny's. Felix is right behind us i love him but right now i need to be here for Henry. We go in and Jane walks in and says "what happened did you find anything"? I looked at her and nodded i said "yeah but i'd rather not talk about it until Elsa and Anna's group get back". Jane nods then the door swings open. It was....what? Regina she said "is everyone ok"? I said "yeah where fine ho-how are you still moveing"? She said "i have no idea but at least i'm here".
I nod Henry ran up and hugged her. She said "are you alright"? Henry said "yeah Raven's been helping me". She smiled at me and said "thank you".

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